Ursula's Cove

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After a three hour drive and a whole 12 pack box of potato chips, you and your best friend make it to Dead End Disney. The four hotels are fifteen feet apart and you start to get going.
Stuff starts to get weird. You and your best friend start to see people wearing gas masks. "Are you my mummy?" Your best friend said, elbowing you in the arm. You scold your best friend for elbowing you while your driving, but you alway laugh at the fact that your best friend made an awesome Doctor Who reference.
The hotel looked like an giant underwater cove. When we walked in the employees where dressed in purple. The ladies had to also wear the golden shell necklace that Ursula wears.
         "Welcome to Ursula's Cove! How can I help you, sleep at night." The man at the counter said. You could quite make out what he said other than 'How may I help you'.
      "I beg your pardon?" You asked "I didn't quite get all of that."
"I said how may I help you...sleep at night." You heard him more clearly but it sent a chill down your spine. Your best friend stood in front of you, being a little overprotective. "Just get to the chase, we registered online for a week at Ursula's Cove." Your best friend said guarding you.
       The clerk started to look up some things on the computer. "Are you (F/n) (L/n)?"
"Yes." You say as you nod your head. "Ok, your in room number 87!" The clerk said as he gave you a key card for your room. "Thanks." You say as you walk away.
      "This should be on the second floor, I did a little research and there is fifty rooms on each floor." You say, feeling proud of yourself for doing some research. It made you feel more grown up. The hallways where laced with fish, starfish, sea urchins and other sea creatures. On each door there was a plaque in the shape of one of Ursula's eels and the number of each room was imprinted on the eel, in gold.
     After a trip on the elevator and a little searching for room 87 you and your best friend made it. It's a good thing that you and your best friend got all of your bags because it would be a bit of a walk back. When you slipped in the key card in the door slot you turned on the light. The room was beautiful. The walls where purple and black stripes with gold shells along each stripe. The two beds where black and gold. The pillows where black and embroidered with gold trimming.
      You and your best friend finally unpacked. You where exhausted already. "Why the freak are you laying down! We have to go to the parks at Dead End Disney!" Your best friend said, dragging you to the door. "Fine, fine. Good thing I got fast passes!" You say as you hand your best friend their bracelet.

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