Poison Apple

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You drive with your best friend to the parking lot. You park and start heading your way to the Dead End Disney park. Two guards with gas masks on ask for an ID to prove that you and your best friend are eighteen. They scan the IDs.
"You just turned eighteen, is that correct (F/n) (L/n)?"
"Yes sir."
"Very well then." The guard said giving back the IDs.
You check the fast passes on your phone.

Snow White's Poison Apple

It was 2:40 so you and your best friend headed to Snow White's Poison Apple.
It just so happened that Snow White's Poison Apple was a roller coaster. You weren't a big fan of roller coasters, you didn't mind them though, just if they are not big roller coasters.
      You thought that The Poison Apple was just a scary, and maybe even twisted, spin off of the 7 Dwarfs Mines roller coaster in Disney World. "How bad could it be! It might even make a amazing start to our first day!" You said as it was almost you and your best friend's turn to go on a mine cart. The interior of the roller coaster was dark and had real-lit torches. It gave off a good effect. You heard hard grunting sounds. You thought that it was probably just a 'twisted' effect on the roller coaster.
       Your best friend said nothing and was very jittery. "Next!" A man in torn clothing said as he ushered you and your best friend in a mine cart. You and your best friend got the first seat. Once everyone was in their mine carts the roller coaster started. It started to move slowly, slightly creaking noises as the cart moved across the wooden tracks.
       People where talking and minding their own business until they say a sight that is now permanently glued to all of your minds. It looked light Snow White, with the palest skin ever, eyes as black as coal in the mines. She took a ginormous bite out of a rotten apple with worms weaving in and out of the apple. She had seven dwarfs with her, all with glowing yellow eyes. They where either grunting or laughing to their selfs. It was the sounds you heard earlier.
       You thought they where animatronics but then it hit you. Animatronics can't bite and swallow apples. Animatronics can't drool. Animatronics can't stare you in the soul.
      You where taking a closer look and the creatures, until the roller coaster launched. You shot up the giant slope of the roller coaster, then it stopped. You where looking down. You where about 150 feet in the air. You didn't feel comfortable. You felt every unsafe. Wooden rails and 150 feet up in the air seemed like your death wish.
       Before you could think clearly about what you just witnessed the roller coaster shot down and everyone screamed for their life. You and your best friend clinger onto each other out of great fear. Before you knew it the roller coaster was over. It was just that big drop. You didn't know what was more scary, Snow White and her seven creatures from your worst nightmares or the drop. Honestly, you thought that everyone knew that answer.

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