Chapter 1

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"Hey guys did you see that new girl?" a student whispered to the group of friends.

"You mean the one with dull eyes?" one of the boys whispered.

"Yea. She's so emotionless, like a robot or somethin'." the student answered.

"I agree, she don't talk either, it's kinda scary. Maybe she's mental, or somethin'." one of the boys said.

"You better watch it guys. it's always the quiet ones that brake and kill." a girl snickered.

"Hey guys, why don't we just give her a chance. I mean, we all have things we don't want other to know. We all have secrets." the girl in the corner of the room said.

"Jenna why don't you shut it. No one asked you for your opinion anyway." a girl said with a snarl.

"Amber you could go suck on a sock for all I care. No one needs to ask for my opinion because I'm going to say it anyway. My point was; we shouldn't judge her. So what she's a little closed off and she doesn't talk, that doesn't mean anything. Have any of you gone and actually talked to her." Jenna said calmly looking at them. She knew the answer to her question but she needed them to think about their actions.

 They all stayed quiet. Most of them hung their heads. They knew they were in the wrong. A girl with pigtails lifted her head broke the silence, "She's right guys. Let's give the new girl a chance. I think we are all just over reacting and over-thinking things. The new girl might be a friendly person but also shy. She is probably waiting for someone to make the first move." she said. The others replied with 'Yeah', 'Sure', and 'Alright'.

Amber shook her head and rolled her eyes at their stupidity. A chance? They want to give her a chance? Ha! 'I don't have to make any effort.' she thought. 'I'm too good for that. I don't care who it is. If they want to be friends with me then they need to come to me. NOT the other way around.' The group stood up and headed to the dull eyed girls' desk.

The girl didn't look up from the desk. She kept her head down even when the group sat down around her. Amber kept steeling glances at the scene unfolding with an amusement in her eyes.

"Hey, my name is Jenna, that is Brittany with the braids, "she gave a small wave "Joseph with the long black hair," he gave a dramatic flip of his hair then a flirty smirk toward the new girl. 'Interseting' Jenna thought.

"Thomas and his skateboard, " Thomas hugged his skateboard "Maggie, always has her journal with her for some unknown reason and doesn't talk much, "Maggie gave a shy-greeting nod "Bryan is the theater kid, who is very talented, " Bryan made a dramatic face. There are others but they are in a different class. We usually all hang out in the court-yard after school. Whats your name?"

She kept her head down and didn't respond. Jenna could tell by the faint show of the black wires in the girls hair that she must have her earbuds in. Jenna decided to tap her shoulder and see if that worked but instead it made the girl flinch. She shot me a quick glance and got up and left the class room with out a word to anyone.

"Well that was weird. She didn't even give us a single acknowledgement. I'm hurt." Bryan said dramatically but the group of friends knew he really was hurt from the . 

"Maybe she's not use to that kind of stuff. Did you see the way she flinch? She acks really shy. Maybe she just needs to adjust?!" Brittany suggested. 

"Brittany's right. Lets give her some space. Then slowly we'll introduce our self's. ok guys?!" Joseph suggested innocently. 

They all agreed so then the group threw away their lunch trash and set the desk back to the way they were, as did the rest of the class, to get ready for class to start.

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