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Carson was still running from Caleb because of Carson's "joke" and Caleb stopped suddenly because of a blood red fire bolt (a very rare dragon) but the heroes overcame them with Carson's sword fighting Brody and Caleb smarts and Carter's strength and they put a chain around it and brought him home to the knights of the round table,"let's train not to harm us but to let it attack sir lance a lot it would be awesome to have a fire bolt in our army," Carter said. The four heroes of the round table went to the doungen and trained the mighty beast Carson took out his sword and shield but the fire bolts fire burned the weapons to ashes out of nowhere Caleb jumped on the dragon.
"You are a real sucicide  person Caleb," Brody said, he transforms into a wolf (they are all animagus which means they can transform into animals) Carson transforms into a black jaguar, Carter transforms into a black bear and Caleb jumps off the dragon and turns into a lion and they gave the beast a taste of there medicine and after a few days the dragon turns to there side the next day they take there entire army to the castle and fight of sir poops a lot but he takes Brody into his prison and the other three sadly surrender and return to the round castle.

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