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No one said anything for a while. All you could hear was their breathing. Her breath was shallow whilst Ross' was heavy and developed. Ross was mumbling something under his breath while Laura paced back and forth once again. They were both trying to process what had just happened.

She felt regret and fear run through her body. He loved her, he actually loved her. But why was he with Courtney? Was he using her? Where did she come from anyway? Questions rang through her mind when Ross decided to break the silence,

"I'm sorry, I should go," She wanted to stop him but was too scared to do so.

"No, please," He got closer to her and she got weaker in her knees.

"Then what do you want from me Laura?" He said almost a whisper. His heart ached for her answer, she was driving him mad and he didn't know what else he had to do,

"Ask yourself," She said her heart racing as she spoke, bravert fell over her as she spat the venom out her mouth,

"I have Courtney," Her heart fell as he mentioned her name. Her bravery turned into embarrassment and anger. She felt like her world was crashing down and she was being crushed underneath it.

Why would her even say that? Is he mentally retarded? So was that it? All of that confession for nothing? All that effort for nothing? She was sick of it.

She was done with that same old love.

Ross' P.O.V
Why would I say that? Why am I such an idiot? Why Courtney? Oh please don't cry, I didn't mean it. Wait, I know that look, please Laura, don't cry I didn't mean it, damn it Ross say something,

"I-" Her petite body looked so fragile and she could break any minute. I hurt her. I'm such an idiot why would I even mention her?

"I'm really sorry," She nodded biting her lip, NO LAURA NOT NOW.

"I should go," I say trying to ease the conversation hopefully she'll give me another chance. Gosh, why do I have to be so cocky? She half smiles and tries to shut the door.

She looks so beautiful I can't let her go, what am I doing? I have Courtney. But what does Courtney not have that Laura has? What's happening? She's so goddam gorgeous no, Ross, don't you-

Laura's P.O.V

He's kissing me. Why is he kissing me? I push him off and prevent the tears from falling.

"ROSS I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE OKAY, IM SO SICK OF IT, THIS SICK LOVE GAME YOUR PLAYING,ITS TEARING ME APART, AND QUITE FRANKLY MY BODY HAS BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH PAIN, IM SICK OF THIS SAME OLD LOVE," My breath hitches as he goes in for another kiss but I dodge it tears streaming down my face. His hand reaches out to touch my cheek but I slap it away. Who does he think he is?

"Laur-" His voice is hoarse yet soft.

"Please leave," I say with no emotion in my voice.

"Let me explain," Anger shoots throughout my body my head pulsing. Tears are pouring out my eyes, I must look so stupid, gah why am I so weak?

His arms wrap around my body and I nearly melt in them until the pain his me and I'm screaming but no ones coming for me, no-ones here. "P-p-" My voice is strained and I'm tired.

My head starts to pound as I overthink the scenarios of Courtney finding us like this.

Sadly, a blonde asshole is blocking the distance between me and my bed. Gah, can I not sleep? What's this shirt made out of? Idiot material? I feel like I should just lie here but I can't do this again, I wont let him take over me.

"Let me go, I can't do this anymore Ross!" I slip out of his grip and shove him out the door.

I feel my heart ache as I shut the door, that's it then.

No more I love you's just the normal, we used to be best buddies and now were not?

Goodbye Ross Lynch, have fun on tour, because frankly your going to regret choosing her.

A:N Rewrote this and added 300 words :) Comment what you think x

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