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-' wow Ashton Irwin '-

the way he walked down the hall with his head leaning on his shoulder killed me, that's all I want.

Ashton irwin was the most beautiful boy I've ever laid eyes on, like every time I see him I'm just like wow Ashton Irwin.

His hazel eye are always bright and his honey coloured hair was so fluffy I just wanted to run my hands through it, the way Michael did when Ashton was getting stressed about a test or assement help calm him down.

His style was the most adorable thing, skirts and sweaters. it was kinda like something you would see someone wearing on weheartit, today he wore a pale blue tank top with a high neck, a white skater skirt with peach socks and white superstars and since it's cold out right now Michaels leather jacket was draped around his shoulders and of course he had a daisy tucked behind his ear. HE is sUch a CUTE liL bEAn !!¡¡!!¡!

Ashton loves Daisy's and everyday Michael gives him one, he even calls Ashton daisy as a nickname or his daisy boy.

I watched them get to Ashton's locker and for Michael to wrap his big strong arms around Ashton's tiny body, Michael kissed his forehead before walking off to his locker.

no fair :(((( I want to cuddle him and pepper his face with kisses like that, ashton is just so adorable and bashful.

He is so smol being 5.5" and I'm so tol being 6.4" so that just had him even cuter, he has to stand on his tippy toes to kiss Michael !!¡¡¡!!

Michael, I'm so jealous of that boy. more than just jealous I just think that I would be better for Ashton. Michaels a big scary punk and he's a flower child that needs cuddling and apologies to ladybug's for almost stepping on then while Michael probably was that kid that crushed them for fun.

My love for Ashton has been going strong for 3 years now that sounds creepy as heck but it's like liking a band you don't just stop after a few months.

Last year I was building up the courage to ask him out Michael transferred schools and within a week Michael had asked Ashton out, to my dismay he had said yes and they have been dating since.


now just because Ashton was taken didn't mean I didn't try. i know I can get him to like me after all we are PeRfEcT for each other . i have all girls begging for me, that's a bit of a stretch but it's not like I'm completely undesirable but all I wanted is him.

I do go up to him and try to start us talking but I'm always meet with a locker slammed in my face and " buzz off hemmings " since Ashton's to sweet to cuss or Michael telling me to ' back away from his boyfriend unless I want my arms ripped off and to be punched in the face with my own fist '

I thanked my lucky stars that I had 3 classes alone with Ashton and only one with Ashton and Michael.
and that happened to be math and let me assure you I don't need them being all couple like around me trying to do trigonometry

I walked into my English class and Ashton was already sitting there with his knees up playing on his phone, probably texting Michael and sure enough when I peeked at his screen it said Michael <333 on the top.

" nice flower " I say to him
" Daisy's make me happy " Ashton said looking up at me through his mascara coated lashes.
" do I make you happy?" I question
" no " he says bluntly and turns his back to me

" better luck next time lukey " my best mate Calum said patting my back pushing me down the isle slowly as I took my seat next to him

and there will be a next time, I want Ashton to be mine. I would treat him so much better than snot rag Michael does, sure Michael buys him expensive gifts but my love is more than money can buy.

so all in all I'm a hEAd oVer heAls in LOVe with Ashton Irwin and he makes my heart go like this !!¡¡!¡1!!¡¡1!!


okay that's the first part it's crappy but so am I.

pretty please share this book :)))) share it to your cat if you want <333

I luv u

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