13K 245 101

Learning the Spanish alphabet and letter sounds is the key to good pronunciation. When you learn the sounds the letters make, you will also be able to read and understand Spanish with greater fluidity.  The alphabet of Spain consists of 27 letters and 5 digraphs.

A [a] A as in Art. Ala. (=wing).
B [be] Be alta. B as in Bank . Bebida (=drink).
C [θe] Ce. C as in Theory. It can have a K sound too. Cerveza (=beer), and Casa (=house).
D [de] D as in Dice. Diez (=ten).
E [e] E as in Day. Especial (=special).
F ['efe] F as in Food. Fuerza (=strenght).
G ['xe] G as in Good. It can have a harder sound, like J. Agua (=water) and  Geranio(= geranium).
H ['atʃe] It doesn't have any sound. Like Hola. (=hello).
I [i] I as in Meet. Inventar (=invent).
J ['xota] J as in Hat, but with a harder sound. Jardín (=garden).
K [ka] K as in Key. Kilómetro (=kilometer).
L ['ele] L as in Letter. Lazo (=ribbon).
M ['eme] M as in Map. Mesa (=table).
N ['ene] N as in Nothing. Nariz (=nose).
Ñ ['eɲe] Ñ as in Lasgna. Araña (=spider).
O [o] O as in Oak. Original (=original).
P [pe] P as in Paper. Pista (=clue).
Q [ku] Q as in Cook. Quince (=fifteen).
R ['ere] R as in Rose, but sounds a lot more hard. Arroz (=rice). 
S ['ese] S as in Salmon. Sal (=salt).
T [te] T as in Tip. Tristeza (=sadness).
U [u] U as in Cool. Uva (=grape).
V [uβ̞e] V as in Bay. It's the sounds like B, they've got the same sound. Verdad (=truth).
W ['uβ̞e'doβ̞le] W as in Water. I'ts not really a Spanish letter, it's not used much.  Waterpolo (=waterpool).
X ['ekis] X as in Box. Boxeo (=boxing).
Y [i griega] Y as in Yellow. Ayer (=yesterday).
Z [zeta] Z as in Thin. Zapato (=shoe).

At the end of this page you have an audio with the pronunciation of the alphabet.

Ch. CH as in Patch.

Ll as in Year. Llaves (=keys).

Rr. Perro (=dog).

Gu. Gusano (=worm).

Qu. As in Queso (=cheese).

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