Chapter 24

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Nova Rijn

Jacob had taken my hand and led me to his office. On the way there, he told me that his Beta Cole would also be there, along with some other members of his pack. His parents would also be present and I was glad I had already met them.

Hopefully it would feel less awkward now, even though I was certain it couldn't become more awkward than it had been this morning.

About thirty minutes after the situation with Jesse, Ary had had a huge grin on her face. She had started talking about grandchildren again, but luckily my mom walked in, causing Jacob to shush his mother.

Jacob walked in the front and walked into the room. Everyone inside immediately bowed their heads in respect and mumbled 'Alpha'.

"Please, that's not necessary." Jacob said and he looked around the room. I was still standing in the doorway, so he walked back to me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room.

"Everyone, this is my mate and your Luna, Nova."

Jacob kept staring at me with a look as if to say 'now's the time to introduce yourself'.

"Eh, hi?"

Jacob laughed softly and rolled his eyes. "Let's continue. The reason we're here is-"

One of the men nodded and I recognized him as the Beta. Collin? Casper? Cole!

"The reason we wanted you back is because there was a man who kind of forced us." Cole blurted out, barely understandable.

"Okay, is there someone here who can explain better?" Jacob asked, slightly annoyed.

"What I'm trying to say I that there was a man here this morning. Light blond hair and light blue eyes. He projected a lot of power, so we couldn't ignore his orders. He insisted on speaking to our Luna."

Jacob growled loudly and pulled me against his chest.


"Yeah, yeah..." I mumbled and I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior. "If you'd just let go of me, I could go and talk to Filius."

Now one of the other men cleared his throat. "Excuse me, Luna, but how do you know the name of the stranger? I don't recall Beta Cole mentioning his name," he asked with suspicion in his voice.

"I don't think Beta Cole did say his name," another voice added.

Jacob let go of me. "Nova?"

"Oh God, Relax! I know his name is Filius because I told him to come here."

As if on cue, the door flew wide open and none other than Filius himself walked in.

"Speak of the Devil..." I murmured softly, not knowing he could hear me.

"Why, thank you." Filius said.

I sighed deeply, knowing that he only said it to irritate me.

"Alright, as amusing as this may be, let's het back to business. Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?" Jacob asked.

"Ah, my mother clearly made the right choice," Filius mumbled while shaking his head.

"Your mother?"

"My mother."

"Dude, I am this close to choking the life out of you." Jacob growled and his entire body started shaking. His eyes darkened and it kind of scared me, to be honest.

"Okay, okay, easy there. I am here because I have a solution to all of this."

I nodded. I already knew the plan since Mel and Filius had told me three times already. And made me repeat it about one hundred fucking times.


Filius had explained the plan to Jacob and the others and everyone agreed. Jacob had rejected the idea at first, scared that harm would come to me.

But after repeatedly telling him that I would be fine since he would be with me, he agreed nonetheless.

At the moment we were in a big room. Every Warrior was present, and everyone was attentively listening to Filius and Jacob explaining the plan. A plan that would be executed the next morning.

"Any questions?" Jacob asked at the end of his speech. No one spoke up, so Jacob dismissed everyone and soon after left the room with me.

Jacob Light

I lifted Nova up and looked at the beautiful human girl in my arms.

"You're mine." I mumbled. Nova started laughing immediately and shook her head.

"No, I'm not. No one owns me." She stubbornly said.

"Is that so? Maybe I should make it clear to you, because sweet Nova, you are mine. Mine and no one else's!"

"Yeah, no." she said again and stuck her tongue out. Shortly after she jumped out of my arms and ran away. But not fast enough.

I ran after her for a while, giving her the feeling as if she had a chance. Something we both knew not to be true.

I lifter her up from behind and stormed out of the pack house. To our house.

Once there, I ran up the stairs to our bedroom.

I threw Nova on the bed and locked the door. Nova propped herself up on her elbows and gave me a challenging look.

"I wouldn't give me that look if I were you. Especially if you plan on walking today- or tomorrow."

Nova's cheeks instantly turned red and she stared at me with big eyes.


"Oh, Beautiful, you heard me." I grinned at her. I walked over to the bed and hovered over her. I stared into her eyes for a few seconds, but I couldn't help myself and pressed my lips against hers.

Nova groaned softly, causing Jacob Jr. to be present again.

"Make that a week of no walking."


Hey, how ya'll doin? OKAY, I'M GONNA STOP RIGHT THERE ").

But seriously; I have my own account now. It's called LerissaB and it would mean a lot to me if you guys want to follow it :) Also, there is only a Dutch story up at that profile but Desire (that's the story) will also be translated to English -when I find someone who want's to do that for me ") 

CAN YOU ALL FOLLOW LerissaB? The more followers, the faster i update? I'm so cruel hihi.

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x L.

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