Part 3

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I dressed Nicole so we could go to the park, I didn't like leting her stay inside all day and she loved the park so it was a win win

I put little boots on her and skinny jeans with a T-shirt and her hair pulled back with a head band

I just put a big T-shirt on with black skinny jeans and black Tom's

Soon we got to the park and I got her out and walk to the sand box holding her close in my arms

We got to the sand box and I put her down and she played with all the kids there

"I want sleep" She said geting up in my arms

"You want to go home?"


"You sure?"

"No mumu, I no want go home"

"You want to go sit down?"

"Yes" She said pulling her head out of my neck

Her and I went over to a big tree and sat down under it and I played with her hair as she layed in my arms almost asleep. I tryed to stand up and take her to the car but she poped up really fast

"I want foo" She said poping up

"I don't got food with me"


"If you want food we have to go home"

"No mumu!"

"That's the only place we have food at"

"FOO HERE!!!" She said then puting her head in my neck and crying

I knew she was just wanting to sleep but fighting it so I held he close singing softly

"Dose she want food?"

I looked up and saw a blue eyed boy looking at me


"Dose she want food?" He said geting closer to us

Nicole sat up and looked at him

"You want cookies sweet girl" He said looking at her with a big smile

"FOO!!!" She said jumping at him

He held her in his arms and pulled a bag of cookies out and gave her them

"I hope you don't mind" He said looking at me with her in his arms

"No no, it's fine" I said not sure how to act

I don't know what it is, there is something about him. He's so sweet to my little girl. It's like he's been arond her for all her life, like he was hers. I know it's crazy but, I want him around me and her all the time. I don't even know anything about him

"What's her name?"

"Nicole" I said being pulled out of thinking

"And you're name is?" He said like he care about us


"Well, that's kind of funny . . . Me name is Niall"

"Haha, 3 "N"s" I said looking at him

I couldn't stop looking at him . . . His eyes just . . . I don't know

"Who's her dad?"

"I-I don't know" I said looking away

"Oh . . . Are you her mum?"


"How old are you?"

"19 and she is 3"

"I'm 20"

"Mumu?" Nicole said eating the last cookie

"What is it?"

"I want go home" she said rubing her eyes

I got up and took her from Niall and started walking to the car when he stoped me

"What is it?"

"I need a ride home"

"How did you get here?"

"I walked but, It's geting cold"

"Fine, get in"


I put Nicole in and then got in myself

We pulled up to Niall's flat and he started geting out when he just stoped

"What's worng?"


"Then get out"

"Can I, um . . . Maybe . . . Have your number?" He said not looking me in the eye


"I want your number"


I gave him my number and told him to not call till 1:00 PM the next day

He got out and ran inside his flat

By the time we got back home Nicole had fell asleep so I just took her boots off and layed her in my bed

I fell asleep holding my baby girl close and thinking of Niall

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