Age 8


"Rose, come down here please!" My head turned towards the door at the voice of my mother calling me from downstairs. I put my homemade flowery bookmark inbetween two of the crisp pages blocking out some of the words that graced them and placed it down next to me on my bed. Standing up and stretching I felt some pain because of the long time I had spent lying on my pink sheets reading. I rolled up the sleeves of my jumper with a puppy on it as I walked out of my bedroom door, past my brothers blue door and my parents white one and down the stairs.

"What is it?" I saw her stood in the doorway, it was open and I could feel a breeze coming through it but she was blocking the entrance.

"Sweetie, I want you to meet our new neighbours." She smiled and held her hand out for mine, I let her take my hand in her grasp and pull me to her side where I saw them. A woman with short brown hair, a daughter who looked like her mother and a bit older than me and then a boy. The Bly was the tiniest bit taller than me and had brown curly hair.

The first time I saw him I knew he would end up being something to me. I don't know whether I would call it love at first sight or an instant connection but I could just tell that whether it was trouble, heartache, happiness or a fairytale he would cause something big in my life, he would mean something. And I was right.

"Hi."  I said quietly, I had always been shy in front of new people especially one who gave me an imploding feeling in my chest.

"This is Anne, Gemma and Harry." She looked at me mentally telling me to be nice. "And this is my daughter, Rosaline."

"Hello Rosaline." Anne said with a kind and friendly smile as she leant down so she was my size and pulled me into a hug. I already liked her, I could tell she was caring and I liked that in a person when you could tell they were lovely from the first impression but you know it wasn't fake.

"You can all call me Rose." She nodded gently. She turned her head to look at her children. "Say hello."

Gemma walked forward and hugged me too, I could tell from the way Harry and Gemma had both walked forward when their mother said that and the way they both looked at her like she was a divine figure that they both looked up to her so much, admired her and wished to be the type of person she was. "It's nice to meet you Rose." Gemma smiled.

"You too."

Then Harry walked forward and I awaited the embrace I knew would happen; there was some sort of tension in me that was coming from hugging him and as he did my thoughts about him being special were confirmed ever more. It felt very warm and safe when his arms wrapped around me ad his he had went to my neck in that innocent childlike way. I felt his curls against my head and they were soft and lovely. "Hello Rose, I can tell we're going to be really great friends."

I smiled to him shyly as we pulled away from the hug. "Me too."

Anne and my mother smiled down happily at their children instantly getting along, they were old friends that hadn't seen each other for a while. "Anne, Gemma and Harry are going to eat with us tonight."

I nodded. "Is daddy going to eat with us too." I asked quietly, my dad worked all of the time and he got back late a lot.

"Yes, he should be back any minute now." She nodded to me.

"Is your daddy eating with us?" I asked aiming the question at Gemma and Harry, they both looked down sadly, it was still a fresh wound then.

"He left." Harry muttered quietly looking at the floor and grasping his elder sisters hand.

"I'm sorry." I almost whispered looking to the ground knowing the question had been a sore subject.

"Don't worry dear, should we go and sit down?" Anne seemed to sweep away the awkwardness and we all walked into the dining room. Our mothers directed us to a seat and I was sat next to Harry and Gemma across from me. We had mindless conversation as Anne and mum started cooking until a knock was heard from the door and my dad walked in kissing me on the head before introducing himself to Gemma and Harry. Harry shook his hand as he sat up straight acting older and more mature than he was but he still had his famous smirk on his face as he did so.

"I can tell you're going to be a dashing gentleman when you're older." My father commented to Harry after telling Gemma he was sure she would be a beautiful young lady in a few years.

"Yeah and me and Rose will be best friends." He smiled past my father and to me.

"You will?" My dad chuckled but tries to remain serious, if only he could of foreseen what the future actually held for me and Harry Styles.

"Yeah, we're already on the way. Look, do you like Indiana Jones?" Harry asked me and I nodded enthusiastically.

"My favourite film."

"We can start bonding over that." Anne and my mum had walked in at that point and were clearly finding the cheeky eight year old hilarious.

"Well, you better look after my daughter then." My father warned in a funny voice but I kind of felt like there was a hint of realness however it was washed away in the laughter that was coming from everybody around the table, we were getting on well already, it was the start of everything for me, the start of what I thought would be an everlasting bond between the Styles and James' and it was lovely.

"I will, I promise."

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