Age 18


"I'm eighteen!" I screamed throwing my hands in the air even though one of them had a full shot glass in it. I didn't care because I was delightedly tipsy and didn't if it splashed onto my tight, red dress.

The club was hot and kind of stuffy, you expected no less from the amount of hot, sweaty people who danced and grinded on each other but the good thing about being almost drunk is that you notice that less. Me and my girls were part of the dancing, grinding people aswell so we had no right to judge. I only had the girls now, our friendship group had split up after me and Harry had broke up, boys with him, girls with me. The girls had got me through it but girls also got Harry through it, slutty girls who had wanted to sleep with my boyfriend for so long.

"You're a free woman now, my love!" Lola shouted to me as she brought me into my arms.

"I've always been a free woman!"

"Guys, come dance!" Maisie shouted grabbing onto both of our hands and pulling us into the middle of the dance floor, the middle of the crowds of people. We danced with each other carelessly, swinging our hips to the beat of the music and even throwing in a few slut drops just for the fun of it. As we danced boys just a bit older than us came closer and tried to get involved in our dancing. We ignored them at first but then I thought what the hell, it was my eighteenth birthday after all.

I was slightly nervous as I began to dance against the blonde boy, I hadn't been with anybody since Harry, I hadn't danced like that with anybody but Harry. I shouldn't of cared though. He had started hooking up with girls just over a week after we broke up and since then he hadn't stopped. He went out most nights and had slept with most of the girls I knew, apart from my friends of course.

The boy, who's name I didn't even know moved his hands to my hips and took more control over the way they moved against his body. His head moved down, his lips travelling to my neck and sucking quite harshly. I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them and seeing Harry storming towards me. He looked angry, I could tell because his eyes were narrowed and his jaw was clenched along with his fists. I hoped that he wasn't coming towards me but I knew that was even though I had no idea why. He didn't have a reason to come over to me, he was about to wreck my birthday.

"Mate, do you wanna get off my girlfriend." Harry's voice was harsh and I could tell he wasn't going to take any shit off the boy. I looked around for help from the girls but none of them seemed to notice the situation.

The blonde boy removed his mouth from my neck but didn't move his hands from my hips. "You must not be a good boyfriend then 'cause she seems to like me."

"Do us both a favour and fuck off." Harry said firmly, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the boy. I tried to get my hand out of his strong grasp but I had always been weaker than him and I always would be.

"Harry, get off me." I shouted trying to pull my hand away from him, in return he tightened his grip. "Harry please, you're hurting me." My speech was whiney and slightly slurred as we got outside of the club and into the alley way next to it. He let go of my hand immediately after the words left my mouth.


"Who are you to stop me from pulling? What do you even want?" I shouted at him before he could finish his sentence.

"I want to talk to you?"

"And why would I wanna talk to you?" I asked. "I hate you."

He shook his head, his hair which was much longer than ever before shaking. "No you dont." His voice almost sounded hurt as he said it but I didn't believe him.

"Yes I fucking do!" I screamed. "Because you ignored me and you hurt me and then you started sleeping around all the time with girls who had wanted you since we started dating. You've slept with girls that were supposed to be my fucking friends!" Tears fell down my face, no doubt wrecking my makeup.

"I didn't!" He started to defend himself but I was so angry.

"Dont you dare deny it! You're a manwhore." He almost seemed to flinch when the insult left my mouth but I couldn't seem to control what I was saying. "If I'd done what you done everybody would be calling me a slut, you included."

"I'd never do that." He said quietly.

"Yes you would because you were so cruel to me."

"Are you kidding!" He raised his voice. "I had my phone off, I was trying to sort it out with my parents. I turned it on and saw your texts and when I tried to call you, you'd blocked me. I wrote you a letter and you didn't even send me a text."

I leaned closer to him, breathing heavily on his neck. "That's because you fucked Lola." I said quietly but with venom before pushing past him and running back inside the club to find my friends.

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