Night in the ER.

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"Lennox? Can you hear me?" A voice said
"Lenn wake up." Kat's voice sounded scared and all teary.
My mouth opened but nothing came out. My head hurt.
"Kitty how did this happen?" My dad's voice run in.
I sat up really fast and my head hurt. The room was spinning and things went dark again. When I started bto wake up I heard people talking, my dad, RJ, Kat, and Erik?
"Why did my princess do this to herself I thought she stopped?" My dad asked
"Sir I don't know." Erik said
"Kitty do you know?" My dad said her
She said her and Alaric got into a fight." Kat said
"About what?" RJ asked sounding like he was right next to me
"She said about Erik and the ring she has been wearing." Kat said
"What about Erik and that ring?" My dad said
"I don't know she didn't tell me." Kat answered
"Don't look at me she told me nothing." Erik said
"Just stop this!" My mouth said before I could stop it.
My eyes opened to see everyone next to me but Erik.
"Princess are you okay?" My dad asked
"Fine." I answered slowly sitting up
"Lenn its time to tell them about everything." Erik said
"Stop calling me Lenn Eriksander!" I said
"Lenny just tell us please." RJ said
"Fine." I said "have a seat your gonna be here a while."
Everyone sat down and I started the story
"When I was at Erik's his best friend Ryan was there. Erik left the room and Ryan started flirting and being all over me. Erik entered the room an got mad. We broke up and I left. Erik and his buddy's started calling me names. That's when I started cutting my arms and legs. Azra was the first to see and told me to stop because had my back. I did till the name calling got worse. Erik's buddy's would follow me around school making animal sounds behind me. I was happy spring break was the next day and I was going away. That day before the end of the day I ran into Erik and asked if we could talk he told me no, called me a slut and walked away. Later that day me and Kat left. Erik called, texted anything to talk to me I told him that I wasn't in New York anymore. When me and Kat reached Tennessee we found a great home, and met Alaric he showed us around. Alaric told me about his sister dying because she cut to deep one day. I told him I would stop. When it was time to leave we said our goodbyes and left. When coming back I found out that Erik was dating Tala. That he put dad in the ER for 6 days. School started back up and the name calling still happened. When I walked into first period there was a little box and a note on my desk. I sat down, read the note only to find out it was from Erik. In the box was the ring I'm wearing. He told me to keep it. Lunch came around and when I went to my truck Alaric was there, with flowers. He came to see me. Erik got mad and raced off in his car making him crash into a ditch on my road. I went to get him, took him back to school and headed him say that I'm not a slut to his friends. Drama stopped there that day. The last day came around and I was happy to get out of there. Few weeks pass of nothing but swimming, party's and hanging with Kat. Then I'm guessing I told Alaric the truth about my ring and drama came back. I don't remember then I ended up hearing Erik's voice in my ear, he stopped my arm from bleeding. Now I'm here."
Everyone looked at me then at each other then back to me.
"Lenny I didn't know that." RJ said
"I'm sorry Lenn." Kat said
"Princess its okay I love you even if you did cut." My dad said
"So stop yelling at Eriksander and start yelling at me." I said
"I really wish you would stop calling me that." Eriksander said
"It's your name." I said
"Yea but friends call me Erik." He said
"And I'm not a friend I'm an ex. So your name to me is Eriksander." I said
He just looked at me.
"It's time Lennox sleeps now. You guys can go home she'll be out in the morning" the nurse said popping her head in the door.
"Later guys." I said
"Later." They said as they were leaving
The minute the door was closed I was out.

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