Chapter 12

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Lauren's POV

"Fuck-" I groan and roll over for the hundreth time and re-sinking into the memory foam mattress. I'd been trying to sleep ever since I got to bed, only managing to sleep in fitful 5 minute intervals. I flip over again, this time kicking the covers off my body. I slide out of the bed and slip my feet into my pair of boot slippers and stand to pull on my dressing gown. I shove my phone into my pocket and pad out into the corridor where I knock lightly on Kellin's door. Getting no reply I let myself in and shut the door silently behind me. Kellin's already alseep and has the duvet sheet pulled up to his hip bones. I kick my slipper boots off and hang my dressing gown over the back of the chair before sliding into the warm bed next to Kellin.

He has one arm spread out under the pillow leaving his chest easy to curl up against. I take the opportunity and rest my head just under his elbow and curl myself into his chest. He moves his body lightly and bends his knees so they hook just under mine and we're curled up together, entangled with our limbs. He smiles in his sleep before falling back into his unconscious sleep state. I sigh lightly before joining Kellin in his sleep state of oblivion.


The smallest ammount of light creeping around the curtains was enough to wake me up. A small crack of light was just seeping into the room. Kellin's still asleep next to me so I take the opportunity to curl back up next to him. After about half an hour of lying curled up next to Kellin I decide to go out and do something but leave him a note and the car keys in case he decides to get out of the house for a bit. I slide out of the bed, gently removing his arm from my waist and placing it down on the mattress. I leave his room taking my phone with me and walk back into my own room.

From my wardrobe I pull my leather trousers and jacket along with a plain black shirt with the Anthem Made logo scrawled across the front. I quickly change into the shirt and leather trousers and begin my descent down into the rest of the house while still pulling on my leaather jacket. I send Kellin a quick text saying good morning, I'm going out and to take any car from the garage if he so wishes to get out of the house. I hit send and shove my phone in my trouser pocket, snatch my Vans from the hallway and head out towards the garage. I decide on driving a beaten up Rolls Royce instead of the Impala, knowing of the cars in the garage Kellin would most likely go for the car he knew was mine. I open the garage door before hopping in the car and driving off, letting he door close behind me.

Kellin's POV

When I wake up I notice Lauren's weight on the bed is gone. I shrug it off, knowing Lauren's an early riser and has probably gone off to do something. I roll over to my side and pluck my phone off the night stand. A mesage notification is displayed once I unlock it so I open it and find a text from Lauren

Goodmorning, Woke up early didn't want to wake you up, gone to the track to do a few laps, keys to the car are in the garage, take any car, ask Charlie for directions.

Lauren xx

I smile at the text and slide out of the bed to shower and change.

Lauren's POV

"Is that?" Jimmy shouts towards me "Dear god it is, Lauren Crawford, Back from a life abroad" One of the drivers smiles at me and I wave before jogging over, shedding my leather jacket in the process. I high-five two of them and fist bump one of the pit crew

"Yeah, got back a few days ago" I say, the tinge of American coming across in my tone

"What's it been like then, across the pond?" Alfie, one of the pit crew asks me and I shrug

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