Girls Night Out

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The door opened and there she was, in a black dress that stopped about half way down her thighs, long enough to be classy and appropriate, but short enough for me to see her nicely toned legs. While I was wearing capris, a white tank top with my red jacket, of course, and having decided to change it up a bit, a pair of white wedges that were not very tall. "Are you ready to go?" She nodded and grabbed her hand bag off the table next to the door.

We arrived shortly at the Rabbit Hole. "Regina we do not have to stay long, if you do not want to. I'm sure Ruby will be glad I came for a bit," I said as we got out of the car. "I'm fine. Now let's go have some fun since Henry is at your parents for the night," she replied and grabbed my hand.

Once inside, I spotted Ruby and Bell sitting at a table across the dance floor. I began making my way across the room, through the sweaty, dancing bodies, dragging Regina behind me. "Hey guys!" I said as I approached the table. "Emma! You're here! Hi Regina!" A drunk ruby responded. I laughed at her and we sat down. "Here!" Bell, who was also drunk, slid a shot glass over to Regina and then slid one over to me and then some limes. "Time for you both to catch up," she said. "Actually, I am the DD, so Regina will drink both of these." I slid mine to her and winked, gaining an eye roll. She wasn't one to get drunk or to drink straight hard liquor. I had only seen her tipsy, but tonight however, I planned on seeing her drunk side.

2 hours had passed and all three women were drunk, Ruby and Bell had slowed down to let Regina catch up, so they were all fairly, equally drunk. "How long've you been dating?" Ruby slurred. "Almost two months," I smiled, staring at my drunk, gorgeous girlfriend. "Two great months," she said and Lenard towards me and kissed me and I could taste the tequila on her lips. "Yes, they have been great. Let's get you home. Ruby, Bell, you two come with me, I'll give you a ride home." They didn't put up a fight, they paid their tabs while I paid Regina's and we headed out.

"Shotgun" Regina shouted and ran to the car and I couldn't help but laugh. Maybe around me she could sometimes be childish but she definitely never let it show around anyone else. Around others she was her usual, hard working, badass, stubborn self.

We all got in the car and Regina turned on the radio and all three women started singing along, I knew that if Bell and Ruby remembered this night, they will be amazed how Regina acted around them and they will see the woman I began to like even after everything.

I arrived to Bells to drop her off and Ruby got out to, "I can't go back home like this, Granny will nag me," she said and laughed. "Okay, well you two go get some sleep and I will see you later." They nodded and shut the door and I looked over at Regina who was staring at me. "What's up?" I asked her, not quite driving home yet. "You, my dear, are so gorgeous. How did I ever get so lucky?" Drunk Regina was soft and mushy and I couldn't help but laugh for what seemed like the millionth time tonight. "What? What's funny?" She asked with a pout. Oh, that pout, it was so adorable. "Nothing, you're just drunk and you're soft and mushy when drunk." She rolled her eyes, "I am completely sober and I am not soft and mushy. How dare you?" I chuckled and replied, "you're sober?" She nodded her head with a serious look. "Whatever you say." She rolled her eyes again and looked forward and I began to drive us to her house.

When I arrived to her house she slowly undid her seatbelt and looked at me "stay the night with me?" She asked sweetly. "Of course," I replied which gained me a passionate kiss from her. "Come on, let's go get you in bed." A evil smile appeared on her face, "oh Swan, trying to get me in bed. You're naughty." This time I cracked up laughing, I loved her drunk.

Once I got her up to her room she started to strip off her clothes. She was now in a red lace bra and matching lace panties. I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful body. "Like what you see? You can come touch." She said smiling seductively at me. "You're intoxicated Reg, so we should maybe just cuddle." Why did I just call her Reg? When I use a nickname I usually say Gina, but Reg just slipped out and I felt like it fit her more, the hard sound of the 'g' just went with her unlike the soft nickname Gina.

She didn't respond, she got into bed and covered herself up then her arm came out of the blanket and she dropped her panties and bra on the ground. Good God, this woman is trying to kill me. She watched me as I stripped down to my tank top and boy short panties then got into bed on the other side of her. I only got under the comforter and not sheets since she was naked under the sheets. "Quit being a party pooper, I'm horny." She said dead serious and I swallowed a lump in my throat. I wanted her, I wanted to touch every part of her body, better yet, kiss every part of it. But I don't want our first major make out to be while she is drunk. "We can kiss and make out a little, but then you're going to sleep, okay?" She groaned, "I am not a child." I kissed her to make her feel better.
"Shit," I heard a quiet voice say and I opened my eyes to see Regina sitting up with the covers pulled up to her neck. "Good morning," I smiled at her. She gave me a soft smile and I could tell somethings was up. "What is it?" I asked her. "What?" "What is it that you're worried or nervous or thinking about?" I rephrased my question. "How can you tell?" She asked surprised. "Because I know you Regina, now tell me what is up." She sighed, "did we... You know?" I laughed and she gave me a look, "oh gosh, why are you laughing?"
I sat up and kissed her cheek. "No, we did not. You were a little too intoxicated, you wanted to but I want us to be sober when we decide to. You stripped down and wanted to but all we did was kiss." She let out a breath she was holding and smiled, "you know that you're the best, right?" I shrugged my shoulders, "so I've heard." She playfully slapped my arm. "I am going to to the restroom, and why don't you get dressed." I said and kissed her lips before getting out of the bed and then pulling on my pants and heading to her en-suite bathroom.

When I came out of the bathroom Regina, only wearing her bra and thong, ran in, I then heard her throwing up. I went back in and saw her bent over the toilet. "I was thinking I was fine, but once I stood up, it all hit me." She said. I sat down on the ground next to her and rubbed her back, "yeah, you had one too many last night." She groaned before getting sick again. "No more girls night out for awhile," she said and I laughed. "Let's get you in bed and I'll go pick up something from Granny's for you." She flushed the toilet then brushed her teeth and headed back to bed. "Wait," she said then waved her hands and a platter of toast, eggs and pancakes appeared. I smiled then went and sat down next to her.

"Oh gosh, I let my child side show last night, didn't I?" I looked up from my food. "Maybe a little." She groaned, "it's all starting to come back. I sang, loud! Oh, I hope Ruby and Bell do not remember anything." I laughed and kissed her cheek. "I like drunk you. You know how to have some fun and you get 'horny'," I copied her word from last night. Her face turned red and she covered it and sighed. "Don't worry. You're fine." I laughed and kissed her sweet lips.


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