Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    The tour stopped right in front of a large, stone wall. Upon this wall was hanging several plaques that looked to be of great value, as well as a couple of coats that were presumably used for hanging coats and clothing. Manson stopped right in front of the wall and turned around, preparing to speak to the students. “Now,” he said, his voice booming, “the part of the asylum we are about to enter is very, very dangerous and some of the information within shall never be repeated to anyone on the outside once this tour is finished. Am I understood?”

    Everyone nodded. “What is in this room?” asked Jose, curiously.

    “Something big and dangerous....a beast some would say,” said Manson.

    “I didn't sign up for this...” muttered Michael.

    “It'll be fine,” Tommy whispered, though he had to admit to himself that he was getting pretty scared as well.

    “It's nothing that'll get you...” Manson said. “It's chained to the wall and everything.”

    “Why would you subject us to this?” asked one of the student.

    “It's signed up to go.”

    “What kinda creature?” asked Tommy.

    “You will soon find out.” A couple of guards were standing on either side of the door, machine guns cradled in their arms, probably ready in case something bad did happen with this creature—this thing—whatever the hell it was—

    Manson pushed the handle on the door and pushed the door sideways, sliding it into the wall. There was a loud roaring, a gnashing of teeth, and the rattle of a cage. Chains were slamming into the wall, creating echoing bangs that sounded like the blast of a shotgun. Manson entered, followed cautiously by Jose, then Tommy, and finally Michael. The rest of the students stayed in the halls.

    Tommy entered the room slowly. He looked up at the cage. Saw the creature chained to the wall, jumping toward him, smashing into the metallic bars of the cage. And Tommy nearly screamed.

    To him, it looked like a werewolf he had seen in a movie once. It had a black and wet muzzle, sharp, dagger like teeth, ears that were flopping back, it walked on two legs like a human, and had a long, curled tail. It was foaming at the mouth. The smell of blood drifted out of the cage. Tommy gagged.

    Michael looked frightened. He backed against the wall. He knew the creature wouldn't hurt him because it was chained up inside a large cell, but he was thinking negatively; he was thinking what would happen if the creature broke through the bars and jumped at them and killed them all. Tommy himself was questioning whether or not she should have actually come on this trip. He wouldn't have if he'd have known about the strange things...the creatures that populated this place...and he was wondering how the hell it had gotten here.

    “What is it?” Jose asked. He was frightened. His skin a deathly pale. Eyes looked sunken and black.

    “A werewolf,” said Manson, joyfully.

    “Those aren't supposed to be real,” Tommy said.

    “But they are. A hundred years ago, when this place was built, werewolves roamed the forest. They had a hidden home in the forests around the states. But when humans discovered them, it was a slaughter. The person who ran the place—a man by the name of Noah—was an animal rights activist and he thought of the werewolves as humans. So he got together a group of people and they took the werewolves out of the forest and saved them from the humans, secretly shipping them toward the island, and this asylum...where we have been protecting them ever since,” explained Manson.

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