Mental Health Week

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So it is mental health week, and I wanted to remind you guys to take care of yourselves. Mental health is just as relevant as physical health. Since ADHD can be linked to other disorders, here are some tips.

1. Get Enough Sleep
I, for one, do not get enough sleep. I get about 5-6 hours on a good night. If you struggle with falling asleep, you can try taking melatonin, which is a sleep hormone. Also, if it's 3 am and you're lying awake in bed, do not stress out. It will make it a lot harder to fall asleep. Take some deep breaths, listen to music, read a book, whatever works for you.

2. Take signs seriously
If you've been super anxious lately, or noticed any other changes in your behaviour, thoughts, or feelings, don't ignore it. You're not weak for seeking help.

3. You come first
Common patterns among anxious people and people with eating disorders, is that they tend to be overachievers and people pleasers. If you find yourself in a situation where you're trying to make everyone happy, and it's not working, it's okay. Make sure you're happy. In your life, you're #1.

Quick note:
You all have unmeasurable worth, and you all deserve to be happy. If you are having thoughts of suicide, thinking about self harm, self harming, have an eating disorder, or any other problem, talk to your parents, doctor, friends, teachers, or you can message me. There's ton of helplines out there, please use them. Stay healthy and stay safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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