50 famous people with ADHD

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50 famous people with ADHD

1. Albert Einstein

2. Michael Phelps

3. Adam Levine

4. Justin Timberlake

5. Will Smith

6. Ryan Gosling

7. Woody Harrelson

8. Paris Hilton

9. Michelle Rodriguez

10. Britney Spears

11. Will.I.Am

12. Tom Cruise

13. Michael Jordan

14. Magic Johnson

15. Vincent Van Gogh

16. Edgar Allen Poe

17. Bill Gates

18. Walt Disney

19. Benjamin Franklin

20. Orville Wright

21. Wilbur Wright

22. John Lennon

23. Elvis Presley

24. Beethoven

25. Mozart

26. Handel

27. John Kennedy

28. Thomas Jefferson

29. Abraham Lincoln

30. Winston Churchill

31. Steven Hawking

32. Galileo

33. Isaac Newton

34. Eleanor Roosevelt

35. Christopher Columbus

36. Socrates

37. Steve Jobs

38. Jim Carey

39. Leonardo da Vinci

40. Danny Glover

41. Alexander Bell

42. Whoopi Goldberg

43. Hilary Duff

44. Liv Tyler

45. Cameron Diaz

46. Emma Watson

47. Megan Fox

48. Stevie Wonder

49. Avril Levigne

50. Kurt Cobain

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