Chapter 2

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My head was pounding, my body ached. I tried to shift my left leg from the pedal but I could only yelp in pain.

Open your eyes Louis open your eyes. Get out, get out, they are about to give up.

A voice inside my head kept ringing. It was a crackly voice, not welcoming at all. It was giving me the chills. I opened my eyes to see the roof of my car inches away from my nose. I screamed only to get a sharp pain in my side. What happened? Panic sunk into my chest as it burned in pain.

Heavier, heavier.

Everything just got heavy, my eye lids, my breathing, my heart. It all got heavy. The screams and shouts outside of the crushed vehicle got fainter and fainter. Nothing but muffling was heard. Dying? Am I dying now? Leaving everyone behind?

"3..2..1!" a coarse voice shouted.

I jumped in my spot and yelped.

"Son, are you okay? We are sending someone in to put a brace on your neck." the coarse voice screamed into the shattered window.

The heaviness in my chest did not subside. it only increased. Tears procked at my ducts. Letting two roll down my cheeks like horses in a race. Grunts were beside me as I tried to turn my head to the source.

"Dont move!" he shouted.

I was startled. He pulled out the brace and secured it to my neck.

"Alright start!" he shouted.

I heard my car being ripped to sreds as the pulled me out into safety. The blood leaking from every part of me. As it seemed. My mind was racing. Gina. Gina needs me I cant die. Not like this. Not over a silly car accident. A crash. No way in hell it will happen like this.

"Please.. d-dont let me die." I crackled out.

The EMT patted my shoulder. My limp body was placed onto the stretcher and into the ambulence. I felt like I was going to break in half. My breathing was short, rough and hissy. My lungs were on fire, my eyes were tired. I let out a cough and a cry of pain. Why me? This wasn't even my fault and the one who hit me is walking away fine. He was on the wrong side of the rode for gods sake!

The treatment in the hospital was soon over. All I had was a fractured rib. Felt more like a fractured skeleton. I can't wait to be bullied about my bruises even more tomorrow.

Calling a taxi I arrived home safely.


"Louis poo." they snickered at me.

I rolled my eyes and kept my head down. My books clung into my side as I walked past the group of immature jocks. My eyes darted to the leader of the group, Harry. Rich, handsome, popular. Everything that my school would consider perfect. Total arse. Ive never met a person as full of himself as Harry.

"Where ya going Lou? Lets chit chat." he snickered and pushed my books to the floor. I huffed and bent over quickly to pick them up. His hand came down with a hard pat on the back followed by a smack on the neck. "What was that for?" I scoled.

He smirked and rolled his eyes walking back over to the group. I scoffed as I watched him stride away. My neck began to ache from the smack he placed on my neck. I never did anything to him. He was just a jerk. A cocky jerk.

The rest of the day dragged on painfully. Making trips to the nurse to receive pain killers and my books being pushed out of my arms. And on top of it all I had to return to a hell of a home in an hour.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2013 ⏰

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