Chapter 1

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                                          Chapter  1   

My teacher was calling out the names of everyone in my class so she could shake our hands and wish us a good summer.  I waited excited in my seat that was in the first row next to my teacher, I couldn‘t wait to finish school and finally enjoy my summer vacation.

“Aurora Destiny Jones“ My teacher said smiling,

I walked up to her desk, shaked her hand and also wished her a good summer.

She‘s a good teacher I guess, but she can be really mean just like all the other teachers. I think she‘s in her 50‘s, her hair is getting kind of grey and she has green stinging eyes. I don´t really like her.

I walked to my locker and got my stuff, then I saw Holly, I went up to her and hugged her. She‘s my best friend. She won‘t be home all summer because she‘s going to Europe with her family so I won‘t be able to see her for such a long time which sucks. 

Holly is amazing.  She‘s a year older than me and has a lot more friends than me but still i‘m her best friend which makes me really happy. Her brown crulled hair is the most prettiest hair I have ever seen. She has big brown eyes, dark skin and always wears the perfect clothes.

“We will skype this summer won‘t we?“ I asked her standing beside her locker.

She closed her locker and answered me “Of course we will! I‘ll miss you so much“ 

I hugged her again “I‘ll miss you too so much!“

Then we said goodbye to each other and went separate ways.

I walked down the halls with my school books  in my arms and made a quick wave at my friends that I saw on the way. Then I came at the front door, walked to my bike and cycled home, I only live a few blocks from school. 

There is something about cycling, I love it. Its so peaceful and especially on the way home from school, everything is so quiet. The big trees that stand along the sidewalk makes my neighbourhood look so much better, I mean if the trees weren‘t there this place would be really empty. The flowers that sit on the edge of the sidewalk light up the way that I cycle, the fresh air and my hair flowing in the wind.

I place my bike on the porch and go inside my house, my house isn't really that big but I like it and it has made me and my mom happy despite the fact how expensive it is. Its a white semi house with a porch with stairs of course and a big yard, it has big windows with red window frames and the front door is also red. My mom has a thing for gardening so our yard is really pretty with many colorful flowers. 

As you can see I only said 'me and my mom' before, I live alone with my mom, I don't know my dad and I never will, he left my mom when she told him she was pregnant with me but I'm fine with it though, my mom said that he probably wouldn't make a good father. I‘ve never talked to him nor seen him which is sad, a part of me wants to meet him but the other part doesn‘t want anything to do with him. He probably has a family now or at least I hope so because that‘s better than thinking that he lives alone somewhere and doesn‘t have anybody. 

My mom is my other best friend, I tell her everything and she tells me everything, we're really close and I think that's really important. We do fight of course but its never big fights and it all turns good after awhile. She's the most amazing person i know and so beautiful, with blonde hair, light pale skin and green bright eyes. And in my world the definition of the word “beauty“ is mom.

I go in the kitchen and take the leftovers of my birthday cake out of the fridge, I just turned 15 a few days ago so my mom had baked a cake for me that actually turned out to be really good unlike the other things she cooks and bakes. 

My mom was still at work so I just sat alone at the kitchen table and ate the best cake I have ever tasted.

I didn‘t call my mom to tell her that I broke one of the dishes while taking the dishes out of the dishwasher, I just decided to wait till she got home and then tell her because it wasn‘t really a big deal and we do have a lot of dishes that we don‘t use. I‘m just glad I didn‘t brake her favorite dish, the one that my great-grandmother had. My mom loves that dish, I don‘t know why.. There is nothing special about it but it is really pretty so I guess that‘s why. The dish is white and has little butterflies painted on it.

I went in my room and placed my school books on the shelf beside my bed, I wanted to put them in the trash or burn them but I figured that maybe they would be useful for me on my next school year.

I remembered that I had makeup on and my earrings so I went to the bathroom and took my makeup off but decided to not take my earrings off. Standing in front of the mirror is slightly not my favorite thing to do, I guess I wish I were prettier or had prettier hair or a better body but I have to be happy with myself even though that‘s really hard and I know that most girls don‘t like themselves and the same with boys and that's really sad. The only thing I would never want to change about myself are my blue clear eyes because I got them from my father. I brush my blonde hair that falls a little longer than my shoulders, it‘s always straight so I never have do straighten my hair and I consider my self very lucky for that, I would probably be to lazy to do it everyday. I look at my skinny body in the mirror and I try to be happy with it and I am but of course I would want to change it, get a little smaller, get bigger thighs and get a perfectly flat stomach. I‘ve always been really skinny, skinny arms and skinny legs even though I‘m always eating. 

I went down stairs and got my phone and my earphones then i layed on the couch and well asleep.

I wake up a little later to the alarm on my phone, I set it on 15:20 because I‘m supposed to be at my moms work at 15:30, I hurry to the  front door and get my jacket and put on my new shoes that my mom gave me for my birthday. I get my bike and cycle down the road, my moms work is about 80 meters away from our house, she works at a nursing home. She doesn‘t get really well paid but its enough for us though, but i wouldn‘t mind being rich and being able to just move to another house every time I would see a spider in our house, that would be pretty freaking amazing. But you just can‘t have everything you wan‘t. I don‘t even think any of my wishes have ever comed true, the thing I wish for the most is to meet a boy who will like me for who I am. In this generation its really hard to find a man/boy who will treat you right and respect you. I sometimes feel like I was born in the wrong generation, I wish I would have been born in the 70‘s or somewhere near that. But I do believe that there are some guys out there that will treat you right but they are just really god damn hard to find, my mom hasn‘t even found that man yet. She has been with a couple of guys before but none of them are right for her, I can‘t wait for her to find her prince and then I can finally call someone my dad, I guess. 

On the way I met Ashley, we‘re not really friends but we know each other though. She‘s in my grade but we don‘t talk that much and i‘m fine with that, I would probably not survive a whole day talking to her because she talks a lot and mostly its just things about herself. But she‘s really nice and most people like her. She got really popular at school when she was dating Jake, they were together for almost 5 months, they were really cute together and made a good couple but Jake broke up with her because of how selfish she was and because she was always with other guys. She didn‘t cheat though, thank god. She just has a lot of guy friends and Jake wasn‘t okay with that which is understandable.

“Hey! Where are you going?“ Ashley asks me curious

“To the nursing home“ I answer smiling. Its really weird that she would ask me that because I really think she doesn‘t care.

“What are you going to do there?“  She replies while waving at some kids on the other sidewalk that I have no idea who are.

“I‘m working there or well when I want I can go there and work“ I still don‘t get why she‘s asking because I know for sure that she doesn‘t care and this is probably for the first time that she isn‘t talking about herself.

I look at my phone and see that the time is 15:34 which makes me late for work. 

“Uhm, Ashley I have to go, I‘m late.“ I say in a hurry.

“Oh okay, see ya!“ I hear Ashley say in a distant.

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