Chapter 1 ~ There's such a thing as an abnormal ghost?

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Chapter 1 ~ There's such a thing as an abnormal ghost?

Have you ever noticed how the clock goes by so slow when you need it to hurry up, and vice versa?  I don’t mind working here at Sal’s, it’s better than having no money, but I’m already late for meeting my friend.  Becky, the other waitress on this shift, had to leave early to pick her daughter up from daycare so I covered her tables for her.

Our shift ended fifteen minutes ago, but this customer wouldn’t leave!  How many cups of coffee can one person possibly need?  It’s not good for you anyways, but it’s their life, I just wish he wouldn’t take up mine!  I headed to the coffee pot, grabbed two of the tallest Styrofoam cups, and marched to the customer.

      “Excuse me sir, but I have a really important meeting with a friend and I’m already ten minutes late.  I’m sorry to rush you out, but here are two take home coffees on the house.”

      “Ahhh, I remember what it was like when I was young, how long have y’all been dating, darling?” the man replied with a southern drawl.

      “Ohhh, oh no, we aren’t dating, we’re just friends.  Best friends actually, how did you know he was a guy?”

      “Just the signs of infatuation, but don’t worry I’ll keep your secret,” he winked.  “Well I best be on my way, don’t be keeping your fellow waiting for too long sweetheart.”

      A nervous smile flitted across my face, what am I supposed to say back?  I watched him leave and ran to the kitchen putting my apron up.

      “Oh, I almost forgot, here’s your tip pretty lady,” the man handed me some money.

      “Thank you, this isn’t necessary though!”  I shouted as he walked out the door, his only reply was a wave of his hand.

      Not even counting the money, I stuffed it in my pocket and ran out the door.  I continued running, probably looking like an axe murderer was after me….or maybe I look like the axe murderer. 

      Reaching the forest on the outskirts of town, I glanced around making sure I wasn’t being followed.  It would be tough to explain why I was having a conversation with an invisible person.  I carefully treaded down a hill following the familiar worn down path.  I continued winding through the trees taking in all the beautiful colors of the fall.

      Autumn was my favorite time of the year, it was a unique season.  No other season had the orange, gold, and red leaves that fascinated me.  Spring flowers were pretty, but they also last into the summer.  Winter snow shinning with the glow of the sun was spectacular, but I have seen snow in the spring time also.  Fall was also the perfect temperature, not too cold or too hot, the perfect weather to cuddle with someone.  If only I had a special someone.

      I came to a pond separating the east and west side of the forest.  It would take about 30 minutes to reach the other side by foot, the pond was humongous, it almost appeared to be a river, but according to the dictionary it was just a pond.

      Leaves covered a great part of the surface and across the pond was a line of stepping stones just floating in the water.  I carefully walked on the stones not wanting to fall into the unknown bacteria filled pond.  I wouldn’t classify myself as a germaphobe per say, but it still creeped me out imagining what was hiding in the dark abyss.  Again with the dramatics, but still I don’t want to be covered in scum or moss.

      Finally reaching the other side I jogged over the hill and came to my secret meadow.  I realize how clichéd this is and Twilight totally covered this, but when you have a perfectly good meadow hidden from others are you going to pass it off because it’s overplayed?  I didn’t think so.

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