Short Story: Minecraft Hunger Games (Solo)

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I watched furiously at the numerous amount of people who had way better weapons than me. I was surrounded by people who had tools ranging from the lousy leather to the delightful diamond while I was left bare with nothing but my hands to fight with. We were all eager to hear the sound of the magnificent gunshot which will symbolize the start of our games. It was only 10 seconds till we start and I could just feel people's exuberance going higher and higher as the seconds passed. I looked at the announcer who was counting down the seconds till we started, "5... 4.... 3...." He said with much excitement in his voice. I rubbed my palms together to get rid of the sweat that was starting to form around my hands. He then blew the shot in which we were able to be freed from our positions. I ran towards the middle where many others, like me, were trying to loot and grab as much things as we could until grace ended. I opened a chest and found an iron sword, two apples, iron boots, and a leather chestplate. I ran away from the middle and headed towards what looked like a town with very slimy houses that had many vines hanging from it.I walked around the town looking for any signs of rivals and chests to loot from. So far I had only found one chest to loot and it had nothing but useless things such as cookies, more apples and cakes. I knew that I did need food but I don't think that we needed that much because soon enough many will die and it won't last long. I went into the houses and saw three chests just waiting for someone to open them in the downstairs area. I opened a chest and saw that it was empty. Someone must have already looted it, I thought sadly. As I was busy eating one of the cookies I had, I heard the sound of a chest closing. Oh no, someone is here! My mind went into panic mode as I noticed that there was someone upstairs looting and could have better gear than me. I slowly headed upstairs making sure to sneak so they couldn't see my tag. I quickly ran up the stairs noticing that his head was in a chest and so I would have an advantage. It was as if I found some kind of treasure chest. I saw him there standing closely to the chest with a chain chestplate on and nothing else. I looked in his hand to see that he was holding an enchanted iron sword. I still had an advantage because his head was still in the chest. I ran up to him and got my iron sword ready. It hit him from behind so that it will take him longer to notice that I was here and hitting him. With every hit I took he seemed to only lose a couple of damage. He finally got his head out of the chest and looked to the opponent who was hitting him brutally. He did a quick 360 and started to fight back. I knew that I was very close to getting him out so I moved side to side to try to block his hits but it wasn't working. If only I could get one more hit on him. I quickly looked at my health bar and saw that I had 4 hearts. Holy diamonds! Why isn't he dying? I gave him two more hits in which he decided to give up knowing he wasn't gonna win this fight.So I furiously gave him one more hit and saw all of his belongings drop. YES! I won. I walked over to his things and began picking them up. I went into my inventory and saw his enchanted iron sword which I was gonna greedily use. I couldn't have been more proud of myself for killing a guy who had better things than me.

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