desired love

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Aaliyah pov
I walk in the house to devin sleeping. I walk past him trying my hardest not to wake him up.

I run up the stairs into our room and lock the door ,I flop down on the bed and let out a long sigh. As I think about all the bullshit me and Devin have been through. We have been together for two years and I have not been happy. I meet devin though my cousin tyler I was 16 we started off friends and everything was good till we started dating he started drinking ,smoking and clubbing. Now I'm stuck with him and every time i try to leave him he yells and beats me. I come out of my thoughts as I get up and walk over to my body length mirror I take along look at my self. I'm a brown skin complexion,medium height. I have light brown eyes with long lashes. I also have a set of full lips that I love my body is yesss God popping I'm thick with a nice ass and perfect boobs. And if I must say I'm killing this pixie cut. I'm brought out of my moment as I hear banging and twisting of the door knob to the room. I roll my eyes and slowly walk over to the door hold up damn devin I yell out .I put on a fake smile as if I'm happy to see the man I'm greeted with,hey baby I fakley say right before I'm greeted with a sharp slap across my face I look at him with teary eyes "what the fuck Devin " "wtf I tell yo ass bout locking fucking doors aaliyah next time I'm go beat you ass" he yells right before he shuts the door. I lay on the floor crying asking God what did I do to deserve this type of love. My mother sold me for drugs she never loved me ,my father beat me he never loved me no has , I cry harder as I ball up. Is it to much to ask for I just want to be wanted, needed cared for and important .why does everyone treat me like shit. Only one person loves me and that's my cousin Tyler I climbed into bed, I'm thinking as I look at the ceiling I breath out as I say I just want desired love.

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