Aaliyah pov 2

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After me and Devin's fight earlier I decided to sneak off to the mall to clear my mind of everything on my mind. Me and Devin ,my sorry excuse of parents. I went to wet seal to find a couple outfits for the weekend. I was looking at some purple highwaisted shorts when I felt some one eyes in the room on me I looked up and seen this tall light skin guy staring at me and if I must say he was created by the gods and goddess, heaven took godly time with him. I was trying so hard not to blush and I was hoping he didn't notice how hard I was smiling. My smile vanished when a girl came out of the dressing room standing in front of him trying to gain his attitition. She was going off on him but I just notice he just had a really bad I don't give a fuck attitude just like devin. I quickly dropt my head, I gave myself a pep talk in my head

"Come on aaliyah you can't like this guy,you don't even know him. He can beat wemen for all you know.he could be a lot worse then tour problem at home for all you know "

I got myself together as I countined my shopping in wet seal. The more I tried not to focus on him the harder it became. I called myself trying to steal a glance of him only to find the girl who I'm guessing is his chick gone and him staging at me again. when his girl came back out she was pissed.she started to go off again if you ask me I think she might be a Lil insucure. I watched as he grabbed her and gold her to chill out then they kissed .I dropped my head in shame. How could I be so stupid to think anyone would want me outside of devin. I went to get ready to pay for my stuff as I'm walking up to the cashier his girlfriend stares a hole in my face. I look back at her with a bitch what face. I pay for my stuff and walk out . I keep thinking back to the guy so many questions ran though my head like why he didn't speak ,and if he love his girl why was he staring at me,and why the hell he loom so damn familiar. I drove home in silence as I prepared to enter my hell home with devin. I get out my car and go inside the house once inside I jog upstairs to my room. I hear Devin downstairs yelling I lay on the bed with my eyes close. All I'm thinking about is the guy from the mall .. He just seem so different. I wanna know more about him maybe he can save me or maybe we both just want desired love  

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