Chapter 15 - Pissy Toast

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~ Before you read the chapter---


Enjoy the chap! ~

: Emma's POV :

For the past hour we had been rolling around on the floor of my parents bathroom, kissing and cuddling. It was freezing on the bare floor but that just made it so much better. The cold shivers constantly shooting up throughout my body; giving me goosebumps as we embraced each other.

The lovey dovey stuff had stopped however, when Killian got me into a humongous laughing fit when he described the image of our baby with a mini hook for a hand. Usually I wouldn't find something like that that funny, I don't know whether it's the hormones or something, but I was almost crying at the stupid joke.

Finally we decided to get up from the tiled floor and exit the bathroom. It had gone a tad too far when Killain's hook became loose from it's attachment and decided to fling off his hand into the loo like one of Robin's arrows. All he did was complain that his 'Beauty of a mechanism' would stink of piss for a while.

We left the loo acting like students at primary, afraid the teachers were gunna tell us off for being silly. Then the two of us head to the kitchen since I was hungry.

"What do you mean your hungry? We had lunch only a couple hours ago, love." He doesn't understand my pain. This little human in my stomach is making me crave like crazy.

"Now, you see. I'm eating for two, not one. Therefore I need food. So make me food, Captain!" I can literally hear my stomach roaring with hunger as I give the order.

"Ah, I understand. If the lady insists." Killian takes a bow and turns to the cupboards, flipping one open with his urine-smelling-hook and pulling out a bag of bread. Eww. I don't want pissy toast.

"Nooo" I tease as I step towards him and kiss the spine of his back. "That hook has been in the bog." He turns his head to look at me, cutely I frown at him, he just laughs.

"You want me to make toast one handed?" Killian smirks at me thinking I was joking, but I'm not.

I am not having pissy toast.

I begin to un-attatch his hook from his arm, chucking it in the dishwasher. He tries to stop me. He fails. I then take of the rest of his hook thingy and place that on the side.

"Now thats really unfair! I gotta make toast, which frankly is already hard enough by the way for someone who was born 200 years ago, and I've gotta do it with one hand and one stump?!"

"Yeah." I simply reply, giggling. He pecks me on the cheek and sets to work. Accepting my challenge.

First, he bends down, his head hovering above the countertop. The bread he previously got out is there. Then he does something unexpected. He bites down on the unopened bread bag with his teeth and lifts it up.
I'm weirdly turned on.
Then with his good hand, Killian rips open the plastic allowing slices of bread to fall on the counter. Bread is now everywhere.

"Killian!" I exclaim.

"What love? I'm making you toast!" He laughs that irresistible laugh and carries on.

Then the pirate picks up a couple slices from the messy counter, blows on them (trying but failing to be funny) and plops them in the toaster beside us. Then he pushes down the lever.

"When you think about it, I was actually helping you by taking your hook off. You could of electrocuted yourself!" I am smart really.

"Electrowhaty?" Modern life versus Hook is a constant battle.

"It's what's making the toaster.... Toast."

"Ah, I knew that." he lies. I roll my eyes and turn him towards me, placing my lips on his. We stand like that, my heart racing for two reasons. Firstly because Killian is just so damn hot. Secondly, I have always had a fear of when the toaster will pop up. It could literally go up any second! That's too nerve wracking for me.

Suddenly, the toaster pops up and the door swings open loudly.

I jump out my skin and let out a girlish squeal. Killian stares at me as if saying,


I give him a playful shove as mum and dad walk into the kitchen. Dad throws the keys on the table and mum greets the two of us.

Instead of laughing and looking forward to telling them about Hook's urine hook or his toasting adventure, a pit of worry fills my stomach.

I'm pregnant.

They don't know I'm pregnant.

They need to know I'm pregnant.

Killian obviously is thinking the same because I can vaguely see him clenching his jaw beside me.

What if they dont accept I'm pregnant? I know they won't be too happy about me being with child but now a days they are perfectly fine about my relationship with Hook, if not glad about it. They could still hate me for it and throw me out. Or never speak to me again.

No. Emma, stop it. They are your parents and they love you for who you are. They will love this child like Killian and yourself will too.

Just tell them.

"What's that smell?" David asks.
Killian burst into laughter and points to the dishwasher.

"A pissy hook"

~Heres a funny chapter after the winter finale I have been thinking whether I should just carry this on or make another book... Comment what you want me to-do.

Thank you guys so much for reading and getting this to almost 1k reads! I love you all! Get this chap to 25 views, 7 votes and 7 comments Rx ~

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