Chapter 4, Sunday

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We  stayed at the lake until the sunset. It was perfect! Yes I know this sounds like a Taylor Swift sound track.  Don't get me wrong we argue allot. He's talking about SAT'S, I'm still a Freshman. And I love my whole family but they are some of the noseyest people I know! So you know when you were little you wanted to find your Prince Charming. I promise you he's out there somewhere. All the girls out there you might think looks are everything your wrong.Today was good!  i decided that maybe Corbin and I should break- up! Just kidding that be horrible. Well, I got fished by my friend Logan. And Corbin waslivid.  I had a white t-shirt on if you get my drift. Sometimes he is so over protective.  I'm 14,  I want to make mistakes,and live with the consequences. He came over about 3, and we fell asleep watchingRango, what a gay movie! Were going to Carabassa for dinner. It's our first dinner date in weeks! When he came to pick me up, he was looking snazzy. He kissed me on my forehead. And I was about to call him Dad. He's my boyfriend, not my Dad! The date was good I guess, he gave me his letter jacket, and told me to remember him. But why I asked. And we got into his car, and we drove away he kissed my hand and tears streamed down his face as he turned away.

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