Chapter 13: The Wait

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{A/N: I'd just like to say thank you for sticking with this fanfic for this long, I hope you've enjoyed it this far. I'm sad to say that it may be ending soon... TTATT <-- sad face. It has been fun writing for you all. And thanks so much for reading it. You all are Awesome!}

Laxus paced the outside of the nursing room alongside Natsu and Jellal.

"When will it be time to see them?" Jellal waved his hands in the air furiously.

"I don't know, we have to put our faith in the others that they know hat they're doing." Natsu tried to calm Laxus and Jellal down.

Laxus sat down. "Right now all we can do is wait."

Natsu sat next to Laxus. "What do you think yours will be?" He looked at Laxus.

"I don't think, I know. They'll be strong and tough boys! Ready to smash anything that gets in their way!"

"If that's the case, my son would totally beat your two sons!"

"Hey! My son would totally beat all of your sons!" Jellal joined in. "But what if they had girls?"

"They wouldn't do that, would they?" Natsu looked confused and slightly disappointed.

"They can't take away my sons and make them into small, defenceless, and weak girls!" Laxus argued.

"Hey. It's just a possibility. Don't go twisting your bolts into a knot!" Jellal leaned back.

"What would you call them?" Natsu asked.

"Laxus jr. or Mack, if he was a boy. If he was a girl, I'd name him Lena or Mira jr." Laxus responded first.

"If I had a son, I'd name him Natsu jr. or maybe Luke. But if I had a girl, I'd name her Lucy jr. or Michelle."

"Those are all interesting names, if I had a son, his name would be Jellal jr. or James. But if I had a daughter, I'd call her Soka or Erza jr." Jellal replied last.

"Why would you give the poor child her mother's name? It's already bad enough that the scariest lady in Fairy Tail is her mother." Natsu piped in.

A green light shone above the entrance to the nesting room, inviting the men inside. Laxus, Jellal, and Natsu, all entered the room and walked into the centre.

Gajeel walked up to the three. "There's three days left in the dragon slayer mating season, you need to mark your mate before we can deliver the child. The rest of us have already marked ours."

"But I'm not a dragon slayer." Jellal interrupted.

"You are now." Gajeel looked at him, then guided the three to their women who were deeply in pain.

Laxus walked over to Mira, lifted her chin and gently nibbled her neck creating a mark on her neck. Natsu went over to Lucy and did the same. Jellal followed what Natsu and Laxus did, but he did marked Erza.

Gajeel suddenly shoved the three men outside of the room as their ladies began to scream cries of pain.

Natsu, Laxus and Jellal waited patiently for the light to go back on.

"And we're back where we started..." Jellal slid down along the wall to sit on the floor.

"Aye..." Natsu mimicked Jellal, doing the same as him.

Laxus just leaned against the wall. "How long is this going to take now?" He sighed looking at his shoes.

"At least their doing okay." Jellal stated as muffled screams echoed from the room.

"This pain is agony, what do we do while we wait?" Natsu looked at the others.

"Talk about stuff...?" Laxus looked at Natsu.

"What Kind of stuff?" Jellal asked.

Laxus shrugged. "What magic do you want your child to learn?"

"Fire dragon slayer all the way!" Natsu exclaimed.

"You don't even know where Igneel is, how will you teach it to it?" Laxus grumbled.

"I'll teach them! I'm basically a dragon!" Natsu huffed, feeling unappreciated.

"Maybe heavenly body magic or requip." Jellal shrugged. "I don't care either way, as long as they're happy."

"Definitely a demon lightning dragon slayer!" Laxus smirked.

"You can't combine two magics to create one!" Natsu protested.

"I just did!" Laxus grinned.

Jellal was about to attempt to calm them down when the green light appeared once more.


{A/N: Please feel free to state in the comments section what you think the genders of the children will be and what their names will be.}

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