Chapter 28 - A Night Out

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Melanies POV


"Melanie, how are you?"

"Crystal? I'm good how are you?"

"Good, good. Have you talked to Michael? He said he was going to call you."

"Uhm no. He called me the day after I came home with the baby an-" a beep interupted me. "Oh Crystal, this is him. I'm going to call you back later on." I told her before clicking over

"Melanie! Darling!"

"Hey Michael, how are you?"

"I'm fine. How's the baby and the fiance?"

"They're doing fine but, how'd you know I was engaged I haven't talked to you?"

"Oh honey, I knew you and that guy were going to get engaged. Young love at it's finest." he chuckled

I laughed, "So what's up?"

"That's right, we have a meeting today. 3 p.m. On Skype. Chris has some designs he has that he wants us to look over, and give input on."

"Alright, that's fine. I'll have to find a quiet place because I'm actually on tour with my fiance and his band."

"Oh lala. That sounds interesting, do you have the baby?"

"Yes, hold up one minute." I told him as I filled a little pale with warm water for the baby. "Okay, I'm back."

"Well, I want to see him when we Skype later on. He probably looks like you and his dad. Amazing genes are going to take over him." Michael laughed.

"Thanks Michael, I'll see you later on." I stated hanging up with him once he finished saying his goodbyes. I walked over to the carseat that MJ was placed in and picked him up.

"Come on MJ, let's go get you washed up and smelling good." I whispered noting that I was the only one up on the tour bus besides the driver ... obviously. I already had MJs water ready so I took it in the backroom then went and got him and bringing him into the back room. I washed him up, dressed him in a onsie pj set with dinosaurs on them and sat him on my lap so we could watch tv. An hour passed and Ranel came back to tell me that we were almost to Florida.

"How long?"

"Well, we're about to get off the highway so about 20 minutes and about another 10 minutes to get to the hotel."

"Alright, thanks boo." I said smiling before he walked out and Drew walked in.

"Mello. Morning." Drew said in a raspy tone while running his hands through his hair and plopping down next to me taking MJ. He smelt like mint.

"Drewski ... it's 2:45, but goodmorning anyway." I joked winking at him.

"How long have you been up?"

"Since 6:30."

"That's when my little buddy got up?" he asked and I nodded in response

"He went right back to sleep but woke up around 10:30 or 11."

"Was he crying?"

"Yea, but not a lot to wake any of you guys. Wesley tried to get up and feed him but I knew he was tired and I made him go back to sleep."

"You look beat Mel. The whole reason we told you to come on here is because you didn't come last time, and so we could help you out with MJ." Drew told me.

"I know but you guys were beat after last night and I didn't want to bother you." I shrugged.

"Mello, it's cool. We used to stay up and party until like 4 a.m we can handle the baby. Especially Wes, he was worried about you taking care of the little guy by yourself while we were on tour."

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