I Am A Researcher

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The ocean is home to more than half of the world's known species. This body of water is divided into various zones that show a clear line of where different species preside. The intertidal zone, sometimes referred to as the littoral zone, is the area that is above water at low tide and below water at high tide. This zone keeps track of the relationship of a good number of marine animals and the environment which is of harsh extremes. We divide the intertidal region into three zones (low, middle, and high), based on the overall average exposure of the zone. The low intertidal zone, which borders on the shallow subtidal zone, is only exposed to air at the lowest of low tides and is primarily marine in character. The mid intertidal zone is regularly exposed and submerged by average tides. The high intertidal zone is only covered by the highest of the high tides, and spends much of its time as terrestrial habitat.

I stopped typing as the screen had started to blur and I squinted. I sighed as my fingers flew to my temples and started rubbing on them. I had lost sleep the night before, a result of the sudden decision of my ancient laptop to just crash and get rid of every single thing I worked hard for in the past year. I was furious  and almost banged a hammer on it in a mixture of emotions. Luckily, Taehyung was there just in time to snatch the freakin' thing from my hands before it made contact with the tiled floor. I had crashed onto the ground myself in a cacophony state of tears. He was kind enough to lend me his laptop so I can start on my paper all over again. I lay lifeless and flat on my bed last night, grabbing at the sheets as I let the tears flow down my cheek. Taehyung had knocked on my door earlier today and laughed at the sight of my puffy bloodshot eyes. He had just arrived from the city by then and had informed me that my laptop can be claimed after two weeks or so, with all the files intact. Again, I cried hard but, this time, it was out of beatitude. All hope was not lost after all.

Resting my elbows on the wooden table, on both sides of the laptop, I smiled as my gaze fell t the three men near the shore who were hunched over something. Looking back at the computer's screen, I shook my head as the words I were typing earlier slowly began to blur. I rubbed on my eyes as I cursed myself for crying too much. Now, my eyes won't even cooperate with me.

"I still think you should get some sleep."

I hummed as a curt response and smiled as I recognized his voice.

"Stop doing that. You'll hurt your eyes even more." His hands flew over mine and stopped them from rubbing the sleep and stress off my eyes. He leaned closer as I rapidly blinked. "Your eyes are getting redder. Should I put some eye drop?"

"That would be great." I nodded and he fished out a bottle of decongestant eye drops from the front pocket of his khaki shorts.

"Did Taehyung manage to get your laptop fixed?" He asked as he hovered over me and gently pried one eye open with two fingers.

"Uh-huh." I felt the sting on my right eye as the liquid made contact with it. He allowed me to blink a couple of times before moving his attention to my other eye.

"So that's his laptop you're using right now?"

"Yep." I blinked again repeatedly after he finished treating my left eye.

He ruffled my hair before sitting down beside me and peering over my work.

"You know I always told you to keep a back up storage for everything but did you follow me? Of course not! 'Cuz you're a hard-headed kid!"

I laughed as he leaned back and pouted.

"Aigoo, Namjoon oppa. Just having my laptop crash is torture enough. Please don't add up by giving me an early sermon."

He groaned and looked away, looking downright insulted. I scooted closer to him and wrapped both my arms around his waist.

"When my laptop's back, I promise to do just what you told me. Please don't be mad anymore." I jutted my lower lip into a pout as he looked down at me. He could never resist my aegyo. I know it.

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