Chapter 9

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    I run as fast as I can towards the house, panting as I arrive.

    I run inside; I see Marlee, but she is stuck between two large pieces of wood. I try to  pick one up but it is too heavy.

     I find Mackenzie and Stephanie outside with Catlin and Jessica. I ask Mackenzie to come with me, and  we run inside. I find their parents inside burnt beyond help, they are already dead.

     I run to Marlee who is now screaming and crying due to the burn on her leg.

        Then suddenly I grab the wood and hold it up with both hands. Searing pains shoot through my hands. "Hurry! Grab her!" I scream. She grabs her and runs. I am crying due to pain, but then the log breaks and I feel the real pain.

       I look at my hand which has missing pieces of skin due to burning and is now bleeding. I suddenly collapse.

     What is happening?

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