Chapter 8: Part 1

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This chapter is dedicated to 4evergold and is similar to the chapter in my other story “Sleeping with my best friend’s dad”. Thanks for your comment and please continue to read. Sorry this is extremely late but I’m on holiday and haven’t had time to write. Sorry again.

James POV

She’s amazing. She’s funny, confident, beautiful, kind hearted, genuine, and smart but not mine. I was so shocked when I saw her at the club for the first time as I was expecting to see her at my office for the first time. I enjoyed playing with, leaving her confused as to who I was. When I look at her my heart beats faster and when she touches me, electricity passes through me. Gosh, she’s got me talking like a chick. We bond so well and we are so alike but when I look into her eyes, I see glimpse of sadness, like she gone through something bad in her life and I can’t help but want to make it go away.  We’re on the sofa drinking coffee, talking about whatever. When I’m with her, she has a way of getting through my wall that I build that I just leave it down. I can tell she has a wall of her own, but I won’t stop trying to make her let me in. She sighs and leans back in the couch. 

“Sorry about Adrian, thanks for helping me though,” she said apologetically. She places her hand on my arm gently. I froze trying to control myself from attacking her with my lips. She smirks knowing  the affect she had on me.

“It’s no problem, I was happy to help.”

There was silence as we drank down the coffee. Wow this tasted good, like it was coffee with a twist. The silence was starting to drag on so I’m pondering about something to talk about when she began to speak.

“Let’s watch a movie,” she said randomly. A movie what? It’s been about... I can’t even remember the last time I sat down to watch a film. I looked at my watch and it was 10:45. I should be getting back to Isabelle especially since we haven’t had any special time alone for months.

“Actually, Rose, I better be going home,” I said guiltily. (Guiltily is a real word.) I looked at her and her faced dropped at my reply. I couldn’t stand to see her upset. I sighed hoping Isabelle wouldn’t kill me when I got home.

“I guess a movie wouldn’t kill me,” I said and she smiled happily causing me to smile too.

“Great, so I’ll get the popcorn and the DVDs are over there so you can choose a film.” With that she left and I went over to the DVD collection. There was like a hundred films there and there were two columns. Rose’s films and Chris’s, who I learnt was her best friend and roommate. I search Rose’s column and choose a film called “You belong to me” (I made that up but it might be a real film). It isn’t really my type of film but as long as she likes it, I’ll watch it.

 I put in the DVD and sit on the couch finishing my coffee. Just before the film comes on, Rose comes in with a bowl of popcorn. She puts the bowl between us and sits down on the sofa. The film begins and we watch intently. A few minutes into the film a put my hand in the bowl expecting to get some popcorn but instead I get a skittle. I look at the bowl, and even though it’s dark, I can make out that there is marshmallow, skittles, popcorn, and maltesers.

“I thought you were getting us popcorn,” I said, a hint of humour in my voice.

“I did get popcorn, as well as other treats. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, it’s very creative.” After that we watched the film in silence. The film wasn’t too bad. It was something Isabelle which reminded me of where I should be at this moment. I again place my hand in the bowl but instead of getting food, I get an electric shot. I look down to see my hand was on top of Rose’s hand. I look into her eyes feeling the shock run through me before removing my hand from hers. She took some food from the bowl and I did the same after. When I looked at her again, I saw that her eyes were teary. I turned my eyes back to the film and real sized the girl was leaving the guy. I never pinned her down as a sucker for romance. I turned to the side table and took the roll of tissue before passing it to her. She took it giving me a small smile.  After blowing her noses and wiping her tears, I couldn’t help thinking about how she was cute.

“Thanks for the tissue,” she said her voice cracking.

“It’s okay,” I replied.

“I think I’m going to get more popcorn,” she said. I nodded and she went to the kitchen. Bang! I turn my head towards the kitchen to see Rose on the floor. I rushed to her side.

“What happened?” I asked. She chuckled and shook her head.

“I fell, don’t worry, “she said. She tried to get up but then stopped.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I think I sprained my ankle. Could you help me up please?” She asked.

“Sure,” I answered.  I gently grabbed her arms and brought her up in one smooth motion. When she was steadily on her feet I realised how close we are. I couldn’t stop myself from staring at her full red lips. They were so inviting that I was struggling to resist. I looked back up to her eyes to see her staring my lips. Her eyes flicked to my eyes as I leaned forward and stopped a few inches away from her lips, giving her time to pull away. Instead she crashed her lips to mine, placing her arms around my neck to deepen the kiss. I licked her bottom lip asking for an entrance but she playfully rejected, smiling into the kiss. I grabbed her thighs and lifted her up, wrapping her legs around me. This made her gasp and I took this opportunity to slide my tongue in her mouth. Our tongues danced in harmony and I heard her moan and I smiled. I started to feel my manly hood becoming erect. I slid my hands down her body to her ass and gave it a small squeeze. She moaned again so I began to slide her dress up. She suddenly pulled away and I looked at her puzzled. What was wrong?

“I-I can’t. I can’t do this. It’s wrong.” What was she talking about this was absolutely right. Didn’t she feel the tingles whenever we touched? She detangled her body from mine and limped towards the door. She opened it and turned her head towards me.

“I think you should leave, “she whispered now looking at the floor.

“What, why?” I asked walking towards her.

“Why, you’re seriously asked me why? You’re engaged James that’s why and its wrong. I don’t want to be a part of it.”

 She said raising her voice. What the fuck! How could I forget about Isabelle, the so call love of my life? If she knew that we didn’t love each other but were marrying to please our parents, maybe she’d think differently.

“Rose I don’t-” I began but she stopped me.

“Just go, please.” I nodded and left the building. Ah i just messed this up and I really like Rose. She was special and different. I sighed and took out my phone to call George. He needed to take me home to a probably angry fiancée.

Thanks for reading. I’ll try to update soon.


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