Chapter 28

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 “And they all lived happily ever after,” I finish off before glancing up to see Jessica’s beautiful children fast asleep. I get up and place the book on the table before kissing their heads. Closing the door and I give a sleepy sigh as I join Jessica on the downstairs sofa.

“The kids asleep?” she asks and I nod.

“Yeah, they were pretty tired after all that running around today.” I snuggle deeper into the sofa enjoying the way it cushions my body. I close my eyes relishing in the softness.

“It’s time for me to go Jess,” I begin opening my eyes to look at her face. Seeing that she’s about to talk, I jump in saying, “Yes I know I’m welcome to stay,” I state answering the unspoken question, “But its time for me to go and sort out my life. These past two weeks that I’ve been here with you has been great but the longer I stay the more it feels like I’m hiding rather than getting myself together.”

Understanding crosses her face before sadness seeps in. “Rose, we’ve been friends since high school and despite going to different universities we’ve stayed friends. I know we planned to move to New York once we graduated but then I got married and the planned changed. I was worried that we would separate and our friendship would die out but it didn’t. I want you to know how much that means to me Rose; how much you choosing to come to Florida when you needed someone to be there for you means to me. I’m glad that I could be that person for you.”

I blink in surprise at her outburst. I reach over and lock her in a bear hug with a huge smile on my face.

“You Jessica are not only my friend but my sister for life. I love you and I will always be in your life no matter what happens!” I cry as tears streak down my face.

“I love you too,” she chocks, hugging me tighter. After minutes of crying and hugging we share a laugh. “I’ve missed this you know, girl time.”

“Me too,” I say. I pause before continuing, “Jess these past two weeks have been really good for me and productive I might add. I’ve been looking at the company’s finances, reviews on departments, ethical and social attachments and I have so many ideas on how to make the company better.

My uncle is doing a good job but the profits have fluctuated since he took over and mostly it’s been negative. Under my leadership, the business could return to its past glory when my father was in charge. If there is one thing I can take away from all of this is how to run a business. As soon as I get back to New York I’m going to get hold of my life and tell my uncle that I want to take over.” I breathe deeply catching my breath.

“It’s back,” she says with a small smile.

“What’s back?” I ask puzzled.

“The sparkle in your eye,” I smile as she gets up to pour champagne into two glasses. “Rose, I have always believed that you could do anything you put your mind too and I have no doubt you can run this company either. Ever since we were young you were the bossy one of the two of us and that hasn’t changed one bit. Here I want to make a toast,” I take the glass from her swirling it in my hand, “To you Rose. May you find every bit of happiness and success that I know you deserve.”

“And also to you Jess. May you continue to storm the fashion world and the bedroom too?” We clink glasses whilst laughing happily.

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