Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Ana's POV

I rushed out of PE.

For some reason I had this urge to talk to Ela.

Maybe to tell her about Brad?

Probably... What? Can't a girl be semi-exited about a date? People now a days....

As I jumped in the car I realized that I could just call her.

Well that was a waste of energy, Running all the way here.

I took out my crappy phone and called the very familiar number.


"Someone's feeling better..."

"Yep," She chirped, "Just morning thing I guess. So whats up?"

"I got a date for Friday night!" I answered proudly.


"WAIT!" I cut her rambling off. "JEEZ WOMAN!"

"So..." She said, a bit more calm and collected." Who is it?"


"OMG!" She shrieked. "Brad as in Brad Rysten!?!?! THE BRAD?!?!?!"

"Yep." I said, popping the "P".

I heard some shouting on her end of the line.

"Sorry A, Moms calling. But the conversation is so not over!"

"I know...Feel better!"

"Thanks! Bye!"

"Bye!" And with that the line went dead.

I looked around and realized that in my rush to call Ela I left my math book in the gym.

I also noticed that I was also the only person in the parking lot.

Well there were a couple of teacher cars, but that was pretty much it.

I quickly jumped out of the car and raced into the gym.

I don't know why I ran.

Rush to get home?

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