Chapter 6

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Casts are probably mans worst, and best, invention. They SUCK.

Debby Downer over here!! But hey, I get to hang out with Blake today. Of course he didn't tell me what we are doing, its a surprise.... have I mentioned that I hate surprises? Well, I do.

All that Blake said is that it's a ton of fun, I probably wont hurt myself, and it's something that he knows I will love... it also can not involve water because of this STUPID cast.

Blake didn't even tell me what I should wear! ugh. guess I'm going with some red denim shorts and my "hakuna matata" shirt, I hope it's okay for this!

"Hey, Stevie, you ready?" I hear as I Step out of the camper to grab a water bottle and some money from my brother.

The voice shocked me, I really wasn't expecting it! I turn around to see Blake, of course looking attractive, and coincidentally he is also wearing a disney shirt, but his says 'fly away' and has Peter Pan on it. Great minds think alike, right?

'Snap out of it Stevie!!!' I had to say to myself, didn't work very well.... awkward...

Eventually I do snap out of it and say "yeah, lets go! wait, where will we be going?"

"Stevie, you know that I'm not telling you! It's just a small walk from here," I love the way that he says my name, its different than how other people say it, I'm not sure how though...

As we started walking I realized that the walk would probably be really awkward. I, myself, am probably more awkward than the silence between us, so I took out my phone, put in one headphone, and turned on some music.

Just as I do this, Blake decides to stare at me, probably because I am stupidly smiling at my phone....

"Whatcha listening to," he starts, "some surf girl music?" he thinks that he is being clever, but its actually kind of rude....

"No, actually, I'm listening to this band that saves lives," I snap back to him.

"Did they save yours?" when he said this it replayed in my head, I should not have said that! Well, it's out there, its not like I can lie straight to his face like this...

I decide to use the excuse that I use with everybody, "yeah, it's whatever though." and with that statement I put in the other headphone, turned up the volume, and kept walking. I only stopped when I noticed that Blake wasn't beside me anymore.

Stopping in my tracks and turning around I see Blake, standing on the sidewalk. He had a look of pure confusion in his face, yet when I looked into his eyes I could see defeat and sadness.

I could not say a word, no matter how much I tried I couldn't think of anything... I sat down at his feet on the sidewalk, indian style.

"It really isn't that big of a deal, Blake," I finally said.


WHUUUTTTTTTT cliff hanger, oops

sorry guys, it's the middle of the night, I got inspired, I wrote. Well until there. I couldn't think of anything to write after that and I've really gotta get to sleep! thanks for reading guys!!! don't forget to comment and vote!! comment what you think will happen next? :) love ya guys!! :)

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