Spirit of Youth

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Outworld. What a sick and disgusting place. I've only been here for four days and I'm already done with this place. I don't know who else to turn to or what I need to do, but one thing is for certain: I want my home back.

Li Mei is standing Outside of her new home. Though it was very rich looking, she still disliked it. No one can really argue that her realm's current residence is the flashiest of all of Outworld's neighborhoods. However, they've been having an influx of crime for the past 4 days. It's all came from the last remnants of the Locust Klan.

"This isn't what I wanted," Li Mei whispered. Li Mei spots the Locust members attacking a merchant and stealing his money. "Why don't you guys just leave us people alone? We've done nothing to you," Li Mei stated.

"Oh really?" one of the assassin's commented as he looked at Li Mei. "Last time we came through, I remember a young girl clad in purple who threw a rock at my partner's head." Li Mei looked slightly terrified. Both of the assassins pulled out their daggers as they focused on Li Mei.

"I...no. If you're looking for a fight, you've got one," Li Mei taunted as she got into an offensive stance. The assassin's looked at each other and brought their focus back on Li Mei.

"We'll make your death quick!" they both shout. One of them stays behind as the other runs towards Li Mei with his dagger trained on her. She starts to freeze up, but then she remembers a technique that she learned from Kitana. When the assassin comes closer to Li Mei, he gets tricked by her fake out kick. The other assassin throws his dagger at her. She barely dodges, hearing the wisp sound as it passes her ear. The assassin on the ground rises and attempts to slash Li Mei. She counters his attack with a pretty kick causing him to stumble near the edge of the nearby cliff.

"Architect Spell #14: Alehee!" Li Mei creates a magic energy ball and blasts it towards the Locust assassin. The impact knocks him into the depths below. The other assassin—still stunned by what's happened—becomes the next victim of her attack. Unlike his partner, however, he easily dodges the attack.

"You foolish little girl," the assassin blurted out as he removed his veil. His human face became more reptilian than before. Usually, this would only occur when they are far away from their home for a long period of time. Maybe exposure accelerates the process.

"Ugh, so that's what you people look like without that mask," Li Mei commented.

"It's what we look like when we prepare for our next meal," the assassin responded as he used an acid spit. Li Mei barely dodges it, but some of the acid touched her shoulder and cause her some pain. She grabbed her shoulder. As she looked back in his direction, she noticed he was gone.

"Where did he go?" Li Mei asked.

"The...the lizard used some kind of cloaking," Someone in the crowd mentioned.

"So he's invisible?" Li Mei responded rhetorically. She watched her surrounding hoping to find him before he attacks her. Her heart rate sped up faster than she's ever experienced in her life. She expected him to attack from behind. However, he uncloaked and appeared directly in front of her with a katana in hand.

"I got you!" the assassin shouted as he prepared to slash Li Mei. However, he suddenly has his skull cracked by a long stick. The impact of the attack knocks the locust member out. Li Mei is shocked and looks around to find out what happened. Behind the Saurian was a fat drunk named Bo Rai Cho. He seemingly struck the assassin before he could harm her.

"You're a bit young to be handling these guys alone. Shouldn't you have just left them to the authorities?" Bo Rai Cho questioned. Even though he seemed sober during the strike, she could tell he was definitely drunk the entire time.

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