The Final Match

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"Listen princess, I've seen what you've done to...did you just say you're not Kitana?" Li Mei asked.

"I'm her...sister. It's my duty to uphold Outworld's laws. Someday, I'm going to inherit Shao Kahn's throne, and I need the experience," Mileena explains.

"I just want to go home. Nothing more. Please move aside," Li Mei requested.

"You dare make demands to the future empress of Outworld?" Mileena questioned. She powers her Sais with pink energy. "Let the games begin!" Mileena throws her Sais one by one at Li Mei. She easily dodges the attacks, but they were used as a diversion as Mileena rolls under her, causing her to flip over and crash into the ground. Mileena quickly catches her Sais and attempts to land on top of Li Mei's head. However, Li Mei quickly dodges her attack and begins to point her hand towards Mileena.

"Alehee!" Li Mei fires a magical blast at Mileena. Mileena powers one of her Sais and uses it to deflect her attack to the back of the cave. "You've got to be kidding me," Li Mei whispered. She hops up and attempts to run. Suddenly, Mileena uses a teleport kick in front of Li Mei. She quickly dodged Mileena's attack. She turns her head towards Mileena as she spots her incoming attack. She raises her arms up in a defensive position.

"Looks like I'm drawing the first blood." Mileena slashes Li Mei with her Sai. Li Mei's arms leaked blood as she fell to the ground. Mileena powers one of her Sais again and directs it at Li Mei. She prepares to finish her. However, she is interrupted by the presence of Raskal, who appeared behind where Li Mei lied.

"Left is Right and Right is Left. Redefine the rules of which foot takes step. Down is up and up is down. May your movements be switched around. Trotsid Veren!" Placing his hands together, Raskal forms a spell that causes both Li Mei and Mileena's eyesight and movements to become mix matched.

"What sorcery is this?" Mileena asked in frustration. She attempted to move, but she continued to stumble over her footsteps.

"You put the spell on me too you idiot," Li Mei yelled.

"Maybe if you heard my chant before it happened, you would know how to control it," Raskal commented.

"No matter, just do everything in reverse," Mileena stated. She regained control of her movements.

"She's sure figured it out quickly," Li Mei sarcastically remarked.

"Then learn fast because this next spell I'm going to use will render both me and her helpless," Raskal suggested. He pointed his finger at Mileena as she runs in his direction. "If she may learn by smarts or luck, mix-match her nerves as a crutch. Rakeer!" Mileena and Raskal fall to their knees alongside each other as all their movements are randomly distorted.

"Are you alright?!" Li Mei yelled.

"What are you doing? Finish her before she relearns her movements," Raskal yelled back.

"You won't get away with this," Mileena states angrily. She begins to reach towards Raskal as she learns how to use her right hand. Raskal, already knowing a bit of his arm movements, grabs Mileena's hand.

"Refi Malp!" Raskal's palm turns flaming red as it burns Mileena's hand. She screams in pain as she quickly moves her hand away from Raskal. Li Mei picks up one of Mileena's Sais. She begins to slowly walk towards her as she prepares to end the battle. Mileena looked up to her with envy.

"I guess I won't be winning this game," Mileena stated. Li Mei seemed to feel both anger and pity towards Mileena. She slashed across Mileena's face as Raskal ends his spell. Mileena grabs ahold of her face as her mask falls off. A small amount of blood is seen falling from her face.

"You should've stabbed her forehead," Raskal stated. Li Mei ignores him and takes Mileena's other Sai as she walks pass the entrance. She comes near the edge of the cliff and tosses the Sais into the depths below. Both Mileena and Raskal reached towards Li Mei in confusion. Li Mei returns to their position.

"I gave you a chance," Li Mei stated. Mileena stood up. She covered her Tarkatan teeth with one hand and held her mask with the other. She turned away and escaped into the shadows. Li Mei was relieved.

"There will be consequences for allowing that woman to live," Raskal stated as he rose from the ground. He seemed to accept what had happened.

"Did Bo Rai Cho send you?" Li Mei asked.

"I was just passing by. I heard the commotion and arrived at the scene. You were actually my intended target until I mistakenly attacked Kit- I mean the imposter," he explained.

"She called herself Mileena," Li Mei confirmed.

"We all have nicknames; she won't get special treatment from me," Raskal stated. "Anyways, will you be alright by yourself or do you want me to escort you to Bo Rai Cho's house?"

"I still hate you Outworld residents. Even though you weren't born here, you're pretty much too far gone," Li Mei stated. "However, I think I'll take my chances." Li Mei walked behind Raskal. "Lead the way Edenian," Li Mei commanded. Raskal smiled as they both left the cave. While they were outside of the cave, a corpse dropped directly in front of them. Li Mei examines it closely and realizes that it was the Locust assassin from before. His body had multiple bite marks that matched the teeth size of a Tarkatan.

"Did she...?" Raskal began. Li Mei was slightly disgusted, but also happy.

"I guess it was just her way of saying thank you?" she guessed.

"Welcome to Outworld." They continued their walk to Bo Rai Cho's house.

"I'm just glad to know not everyone in Outworld is as bad as they seem."

*Near Shao Kahn's castle*

Mileena stands on the outskirts of Shao Kahn's castle. She spots Reiko sneaking into Shao Kahn's dressing room. Rain is walking away from the castle's water fountain while Jade is comforting Tanya. Shang Tsung and Tesla are seen walking into an underground lair. Soon, one figure captures Mileena's attention. Kitana is seen stepping outside of her balcony as four Shadow Priest follow behind her. She looks in Mileena's direction. The glare on her pendant flashed twice. Mileena smiles.


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