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my body is only a shell

like a chest with two big locks on it

it'll be hard to open it

and to  find the treasure

it'll take a while to escape the dark milky clouds.

Everyday the mirror mocks me with distorted images

cracked lips

pale ghostly white eyes

spotted cheeks

and thick neck

thick skin

and chubby thighs.

But inside

their's something else

something better

something more lively and colorful

someone better then who i look

he's be trapped behind scaly,prickly vines.

my skin cracks,first my cheeks,then my hands,

my legs and my arms,they spread around my body

here i am stuck,my vision is blurry and dark,

i close my eyes

a tear escapes

my mind wonders

as i crave for my escape.

when i awake

in the mid morning light

everything is quiet

as if it was Christmas night

i look around

and then get up,

scared,terrified to face the mirror

but when i do,i don't see the same shell.

my skin light,only slightly pale

my face soft,not a single crack,not even one little imperfection.

My eyes dark blue

and my cheeks small 

my lips slightly thin,

when i look down,my body's not the same

i am skinny

my shirt doesn't fit my

my chest not as fluffy

my sides not as chubby,and my arms small and my hands slender.

my hair long,soft and light brown

happiness,light and color fills me

here i am,the real me

no chrysalis

not a shell

i'm now a butterfly.

When i look at my bed,there is my shell

broken,cracked and ugly,i can now live life who i want to be

please call me Harvey. 

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