Chapter 21-Lacy's POV

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After Kellz left, I decided to call Summer and go shopping. I picked her up at her house and she ran out of the door, immediately questioning me. "So are you two back together? Did he spend the night? Did he go back on tour?" I rolled my eyes. "No, yes, and yes." I answered. "You need to get back together. I know you miss him." She teased. "Shut up. If we get back together, that will be on our terms, not yours." She nodded. "Okay. I'm just saying...You've been going crazy those three weeks he was gone." I just reached down and changed the radio station without another word.

When Summer and I got (almost) finished shopping for Christmas, I decided to call Casie. Vanessa answered the phone. "Hey. Casie isn't feeling well. I'll have her call you when she gets better. Sorry." I told her to tell Casie to get well. "Thanks, I will. Bye." I said goodbye and hung up. "Oh shit! I need to get her something for Christmas, too! Both of them actually!" I went to the nearest Wal-Mart. I bought Casie a new bicycle, one she had been wanting. I bought Vanessa some jewelry. Then, Summer seemed to contemplate something. "Hey Lacy?....Are you gonna get Kellz anything?" I thought for a moment. "Yeah...the question is what?" She shrugged. "I have no clue." She said. "I guess I can get an idea when and if he calls tonight." She nodded. "Okay, let's go pay for the bicycle and the jewelry." I nodded and we paid for the gifts and left.

-Later that day-

I put my pizza rolls in the microwave oven as I sang loudly, and poorly, to the music I was playing. Summer had just left after helping me wrap the gifts. I had shopped for everyone but her, Kellz, and my dad.

Just then, my phone rang. Kellz. I answered immediately. "Hi." He greeted. "Hey Kellz." I greeted back. "What you doin?" He asked. "Eating pizza rolls. You?" I replied. "On my way to city number deaux." He said. "Oh...Anyways, if you could get anything in the world as a gift right now,what would you want?" He was silent for a second. "To have you back..." He replied. I blushed. "I'm serious, Kellz." He got stern. "So am I...but if you're asking what I want for Christmas, I don't really want anything, unless you could give my earlier answer a chance..." He said, sounding hopeful. I sighed. "I gotta go, Kellz. I'll talk to you soon." He seemed disappointed. "Alright. Bye." He said, hanging up.

After the phone call and eating the rest of my pizza rolls, I decided to get in the shower and go to bed. It was super early but it had been an eventful two days and I needed a mental break.

After my shower, I found a shirt that Kellz had left, put it on and climbed in bed. My mind began to race as usual: "It isn't that I don't want to be with Kellz, because I do. After all, I'm the reason our relationship ended. But I'm just scared...Scared because I don't want to jump back into something to soon...Scared because I know there's many obstacles up ahead...But if I really do love him, shouldn't I be okay with riding out the waves with him?"

Suddenly, my aunt Carol's motherly advice came to mind. "Don't let your fears bring you to tears, Lacy." In other words, don't let your fears get in the way of your happiness. "I won't, Aunt Carol." I said aloud to no one, turning out my lamp and turning over. I slept instantly.

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