I was on a bike ride with my best friend she is even more than my best friend we hang out together almost everyday we talk a lot she is nice and pretty she is always there for me but today she ditches me so she can kiss and hug and kiss again to a gym she doesn't even know. I always say how I can't talk to her anymore I'm fed up but there is something always bringing me back to her we fight and we joke around like how we say we are going to get married 😂😂 but today was just 😭😭😭😭😭 she hugged me and I have anxiety problems like when people touch me unwantedly but I didn't freak out one of my friends say that we are soul mates but I care about her too much to say no I can't I have wasted 100$ on her I Have wasted days with her and she pays me back with this life is great I tell myself she likes the big hot guys and I'm just me I'm 5ft 13 years old and I play soccer and basket ball and call of duty all my fiends annoy me because I always hang out with her but if it wasn't for her I would have locked myself in my room forever. Her laugh makes me laugh. But I can't say I'm mad at her because I don't mean it I'm annoyed that she just does this my friends tell me that I should stop hanging out with her but I can't. I know no one will read this but I'm just telling you there are bumps in the road there are things that
You can't get over but please just know that you are perfect you are that little princess that you dreamed of when you were little. One more thing she thinks she is fat I say no your not your perfectly fine she says that she is a slit no but she can't just go around and hug and kiss guys that she doesn't know. People make fine of her and I want to do something but I'm to small. Everything good that happens to me just falls she is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. Just remember ........SMILE MORE 😃😃