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He was stunned - the stranger in front of him looked exactly like the girl he'd been dreaming about. Her long luscious locks covered some of her face and fell effortlessly around her shoulders till they reached her round ample breasts. His eyes travelled down her soft perfect skin to her flat and fully toned stomach. His eyes caught onto the scar that started from lower abdomen and curved round to her back until it was out of sight. A deep growl emanated from his wolf and thought of how she gained such a scar. He looked over her long tanned and shapely legs. He watched fascinated how her strong thigh flexed when she shifted her weight from one foot to another. Amongst all of the noise he heard a small but audible gasp leave her full pink lips ever so slightly. His eyes snapped back up to her beautiful face and was transfixed when his eyes fell upon her bright blue eyes that stared back at him with utter shock. Her arm reached out for the tree she was slightly hidden behind for support. Amongst all the commotion around him, as his pack members fight a battle against another unknown pack that's crossed into his territory, he slowly stalks over to her in his big black wolf form, his eyes never leaving hers. She stares back with the same expression of shock until she sees his movements advancing towards hers. As much as she wants to move, she can't, she's transfixed, rooted to the spot. She watched him walk agonisingly closer and suddenly through mid-step he shifted back into his human form, causing her eyes to widen ever so slightly at the sight of the god like man making his way towards her in all his naked glory. He stood right in front of her, staring at her so intently. He watched as her eyes roamed across his chest leaving warm areas wherever he eyes travelled. She daringly stared back into his eyes.

From the middle of the field she heard a familiar growl. She looked around the very tall and handsome man that stood in front of her silently. Her eyes connected with the dark yellow eye that haunted her dreams for god knows how long. He let in a sharp intake of breath as she realises she's been caught. As if sensing her discomfort, the man in front of her turned around to find the cause as instantly tensed as he turned around completely block the yellow eyed wolf from the girl behind him. He let out loud growl warning him to stay away. The yellow eyed wolf began to make his way over to them when he was suddenly attacked by the beta of the pack knocking him to the ground.

Without hesitation the mysterious man turned around and picked up the girl in front of him bridal style and began to run into the deep woods leaving behind her past...

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