Linda's P.O.V Chapter 3 Christmas

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  "Do you want a sugar cube? I mean it's supposed to be for the horses, but... I mean who cares about them, right? They got years to eat sugar, whereas you and I... well, if we see something sweet we better grab it."

                                                                                                                      -Finnick Odair, Catching Fire.

A/N: Hey. Yes I know that the previous chapter took place at school but for some reason they spend Christmas eve in school. Luckily they have Christmas off. I know it's not actually Christmas I just felt the need to update and I wanted to involve Christmas in here.

My phone beeped. I just got a text. 

Tyler: Hey date's rescheduled. I forgot tomorrow is Christmas.

Me: Okay, were you invited to Taylor's Christmas party?

Tyler: Yes. Will I see you there?

Me: Of course!

Tyler: Okay I will pick you up.

I heard another beep. I was shocked to see that it wasn't from Tyler, it was from Scott.

Scott: Hey Linda, tutoring has been canceled.

Me: Is it because of Christmas?

Scott: Yeah, hope to see you later.

I didn't say anything to that. I hate him, how am I supposed to text him see you later. But not saying it back would be rude, right? I just ignored it.


You're parents abandon you. They don't care about you. Tyler is cheating on you. He did not give you anything for Christmas. Your parents will never come back.

I heard someone clap and all those negative thoughts stopped at once. Black fog cleared, revealing a girl with blonde hair. I could not relate her to anyone I know. She walked forward. 

She walked towards me. "Do you remember the good old days?" she asked, "before your parents left. Before Scott destroyed your life. Before all bad things happened."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You do not know me. Me and my husband died a long time ago. Before I met him, I was dealing with things that left me in pieces. My name is Brook," the girl said, "my parents died. After that I was devastated. I wanted to hold on to them longer. When I met the man I love, I held onto him like he was my umbrella. I focused on never losing him. And I never did."

Brook's story sounded pretty sad. I guess we all have pretty bad experiences, some just worst than others. "Why are you here?" I asked. 

Brook smiled. "I came here to remind you. Even more harsh things will happen in the future. You will want to crawl up in a corner and cry. There will be a time when I will be gone, where what is thought to be love will be shattered. What is thought to be hate, there will be other feelings. Through all that drama, I want you to be brave. It's what your mom would want," Brook told me.

"I'm confused," Linda said.

"I'm afraid, I cannot give you a direct answer. I don't want to spoil your future. Also, remember to live in the present, not the past. Pay attention to the tiny things you may not realize, that make you happy. Believe me. Promise me you will be brave. For me, your mom, your dad," Brook made me promise.

"I promise," I responded.

With that, Brook hugged me. As I reached to hug her back, she vanished. 


I woke up smelling coffee. My hand had fell off the bed. I glanced at the alarm clock. 15 minutes after the time Tyler was supposed to get me. I jumped out of bed, accidentally knocking over my coffee. Oh well, Christmas isn't a time to worry.

I quickly got changed. I looked at myself. My straight blonde hair rested nicely on the shoulders of my white British type coat. My white boots matched perfectly. I added the finishing touches, the half of the heart completing mine and Abigail's best friend necklace and hooped ear rings. 

I went down stairs and Tyler was waiting. He gave me a angry look. "What took you so long?" he asked.

"Sorry, must of not heard my alarm," I responded.

Tyler laughed. "It's so hard to pretend to be mad at you!" he told me.

Soon we arrived at Taylor's party. I rang the doorbell and Taylor opened it. Oh sorry. Taylor is a girl that has blonde hair, cherry lips, and she loves to sing. "Linda! Tyler! Come on in!" Taylor exclaimed.

We walked in to see all of our friends. Abigail and Alex sitting on a couch together. There were also foes such as Scott, sitting by the coffee table. We sat down right in front of the couch that Abigail was sitting on. Taylor cheerfully clapped her hands. "Wonderful! Everyone is here, let's get unwrapping!" She declared.

Cheers erupted from everyone. Names were being shouted across the room. Abigail called me over first. She held out a present. "This is for you," she said.

I took it and handed her the one I got her. I unwrapped mine and got an outfit. A black leather jacket, a white shirt, gold hoop earrings, and a rainbow colored skirt all matching the outfit she was wearing. "Thank you!" I told her.

My name was called again. I walked in the direction of the voice. It was Scott, standing in a doorway. I approached him. He handed me a small white box with a blue bow on it.  I unwrapped it. 

In my hand was a small glass model of Cinderella's castle. I started crying tears of joy. We would go there every five years to celebrate the day they became boyfriend and girlfriend and got married. "Do you like it?" Scott asked. 

"You remembered!" I exclaimed, slightly blushing. 

"That's not all," Scott told me.

"What's the other gift?" I asked.

He pointed above us. Mistletoe. That little weasel. You have to kiss when you are under the mistletoe. I tried slowly going away but Scott was even quicker. Our lips met for three seconds. Yes, I was counting. We pulled away. I stared at him with a look full of disbelief. "Why would you do that!" I exclaimed.

He just looked at me with a guilty look on his face. "Linda, I know it's possible that you don't love me, but I will always love you. I just had to kiss you, at least once," Scott responded.

I just turned around and ran away, holding the glass castle in my hands. I frantically looked around for Tyler, I knew he would be able to comfort me. I didn't find him. I went outside and found him, walking towards his car. Did he see Scott kiss me? I ran towards him. "Where are you going!" I shouted.

He looked as if I startled him. "I'm going home," He told me.

Yep, he knew about the kiss. "Can you drop me off at my house?" I asked.

He opened the door for me without saying anything. We drove to my house in silence. He probably isn't talking to me because of that kiss that wasn't even my fault.

Scott just destroyed my life even more.

But I must be brave.

After all, I did promise Brook.


Do you like one of the characters from my other book being in here? What do you think. Any suspicions? Any predictions for what will happen next? Nice special Christmas chapter? And yes Taylor is Taylor Swift. One of the readers on here gave me the idea. Suggest anything and if I like it, it might be put in the story. Anyway Bye!

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