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Cleopatra POV
Seeing all these new recruits just reminds me of when i was a newbie and was so excited for such a dangerous job. I just finished talking to the recruits and I'm really shocked looking at Harry's recruits file.

Cleopatra-wow Harry how did you find you're recruit?

Harry-I knew his father who died saving my life as well he's a very bright kid just he surrounds himself with the wrong people

I looked at him through the two way mirror as they are all sleeping not prepared for what's to come. I remember when the water had started rising up when we were sleeping. I remember noticing the window had been a two way because I know a two way mirror when I see one so I used my strength and punched through the glass after failing to use the shower heads.

It was time for me to turn on the switch and I did letting the water release. I watched Infront of the glass and noticed that Eggsy was the first one to wake up and realize there was water and not too shortly the rest did too.

Everyone had been going over the shower heads for oxygen but Eggsy tried opening the door which anyone would know isn't the best option. After he kept on trying I guess he finally realized it was a two way mirror. I was standing right in front of it along with Marlin and was staring exactly at Eggsy who was shirtless and punching the window.

I was a bit shocked at how fit he was and then the glass started cracking so I walked off to he side and next thing you know the glass shattered and everyone was out. They were gasping for air and were definitely confused.

Cleopatra-congratulations on finishing your first task

Marlin-Charlie,Roxy well done using the shower heads for an unlimited air supply

Cleopatra-Eggsy well done for spotting that was a two way mirror

(Eggsy blushes)

Charlie-I'm sure he's seen plenty of those

Cleopatra-sorry,last time I checked I was talking to Eggsy not you Charlie so shut it

Then I saw Charlie's face turn into a face of embarrassment.

Marlin-yeah you can all wipe the smirks off your faces because everyone single one of you failed you left out one important thing,teamwork *points to dead girl*
Narrator POV
Cleopatra is now outside with all the recruits preparing them for their second task. As she's about to start speaking Charlie raised his hand giving signal that he has a question.

Cleopatra-yes Charlie what's your question?

Charlie-are you allowed to go out on dates with one of the recruits? *smirk*

Cleopatra-yes I am, why are you asking me? *smiles*

This was making Eggsy extremely jealous he liked Cleo and wanted her all for himself even though she wasn't technically his

Charlie-yeah I mean yeah of course

Cleopatra-well the answer is no and never ask me again because I don't fancy you the least bit but anyways lets get back on track

Everyone started sort of laughing as Charlie stood there rejected and humiliated.

Cleopatra-here at KingsMan as you e learned teamwork is very important we are here to enhance your skills,test you to your limits, which is why you're going to choose a puppy you will care for it and you'll teach it and by the time they are fully trained you will be as well, wel for those of you who will even still be here that is

Then everyone went to choose a dog after a while they were back in line with their chosen dogs. Cleopatra was quite confused on why Eggsy would choose a small puppy.

Cleopatra-excellent choice Eggsy *sarcastic*

Eggsy could hear the sarcasm in her voice.

Eggsy-it's a bulldog right it'll grow?

Cleopatra-that's a pug and it will forever be that size


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