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californas pov

"what the actual fuck mom !! you know the guy for three years date him for two , he proposes and you fucking say yes ?!?! " i yelled bc i am indeed pissed the fuck off bc i just found out that my mother eloped wit a man named Manuel that isn't even fucking american. he is from Canada. hmm. and he has two kids but he only got the boy when him and his wife separated. his name is shawn. gross.
" watch your mouth young lady ! " my mother scolded me. " he is a very nice man and i think you'll like his son too. " jesus christ.


" cali get your ass down here and help shawn bring his things up !! " my mother yelled from downstairs.
" ughh whatever " i got up from my queen sized all white bed shut my macbook and strutted down the stairs.
" wow this place is huge. it looks like a mansion. i think imma get lost so much " i heard shawn say. god just bc my mom is a lawyer and gets thousands of dollars each week does not mean were rich. note my fucking sarcasm.

i don't feel like writing anymore so here is the first chapter of my first muffin man fanfictiom. enjoy.

Mendes family : shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now