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while i was helping this ignorant idiot bring his stuff up , i saw that my horse , butter muffin , needed to be groomed from out the window. 
" maria !! " i yelled for my maid.
" sí señorita california ? "
" please please please groom butter muffin ? "
" wait did some one say something about muffins ? " i heard shawn say
" were talking about my horse butter muffin." i replied.
" awe man. i love muffins. "
" maria por favor ? " i asked maria puffing my bottom lip out like a puppy.
" sí sí just go help him so your momma doesnt yell at tú !! "
" you got it dude !! " i said while laughing. maria and shawn both started laughing also. 
" okay so after i show you your room , ill give you a full tour of the house. got it ? " i told shawn.
" got it. "
" good " i said walking up the stairs. we got to his room which is right next to mine. yayyy.
" this is you room " i said to shawn while opening his door and putting my boxes down. he put his down and stared in awe. my room still bigger though.  his room had a huge balcony that was connected to mine. this used to be my work out room bc i needed to get into shape for cheer but there is some weights here and there. the closet was a walk in probably the size of a regular kitchen in normal house. he just stood there. i ushered him out to see the rest of the house. i lead him to my room where i have two  ihawks laying around. one pink and one black.
  i gave him the pink one and i got the black one. again , he stood there in awe of my all white room with fugi camera film on the walls and white comforter. and white channel pillows. i like white what can i say. white is my favorite color. its my favorite color bc its so pure and delicate and if you add any other color that delicacy and pureness is messed up forever. you cant fix it. there was a couch and a 40 inch tv mounted on the wall.

Mendes family : shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now