I am Excalibur

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My heart is pounding. The battle roars in my ears. All around me, corpses rest in peace. It’s entirely my fault. I’m the reason they’re dead. I created this bloodbath. After all, I’m the mighty Excalibur, the one they all fear. I turn to see a handsome knight approaching us in the darkness. It’s over. No living soul has been able to escape this massacre. And it’s all because of me.

         “Bang, clasp, ash”. Lancelot’s sword bangs against me. His skills amaze me. His elegance when he thrusts his mighty sword against me reflects the immense power hidden behind those young features. I might only be the sword of the legendary King Arthur, but I know one or two things about fencing. But let me start from the beginning. I was created on a cold, dark and misty October afternoon. The lady of the lake had just finished forging me. Her beauty resembled her magical powers as she laid me down on the wooden table. She examined me with good care. I was completely flawless, for I would be the one to elect the new rightful king of England. “I see that you have granted my wishes”, a magical voice said. The powerful wizard Merlin appeared. His long, white, cloak glowed in the darkness. His sparkly blue eyes shimmered in the thick mist. His magical aura blinded me. I was astonished by his greatness and could see his wisdom reflected off his old faced.

         “Yes, my lord”. The lady responded. Suddenly, I realized something. They were in love! The way they looked at each other… Two powerful people, both dressed in white, had England’s fate in their hands and, apparently, I was fate.

         The next part of the story is quite famous. When Arthur managed to draw me from that enchanted rock, I knew that, no matter what happened, my loyalty would always belong to this young kid. So, that’s how I ended up were I am. Many years have passed since that dark, cold afternoon but I’ve never forgotten the glamorous face that forged me with her own delicate hands. I haven’t seen her since Merlin took me away but I have this weird feeling inside of me that I will see her again, soon. For some reason, I fear that my next encounter with her won’t be a joyful moment. Hope that I’m wrong…

         The end of the world is here. Camelot has reached its end. Chaos has entered the castle and there is no way out. My heart is pounding. The battle roars in my ears. All around me, corpses rest in peace. It’s entirely my fault. I’m the reason they’re dead. I created this bloodbath. After all, I’m the mighty Excalibur, the one they all fear. I turn to see a handsome knight approaching us in the darkness. It’s over. No living soul has been able to escape this massacre. And it’s all because of me. Well, and because of that stinky rat called Lancelot. It all started when Arthur spotted Lancelot kissing Gwen. Arthur had been going through a lot of problems since the kingdom was under attack and this was the last straw. Of course, Lancelot and Gwen tried to explain but Arthur was too tired and stressed to listen to anyone. His best friend and his wife had betrayed him. He couldn’t trust anybody, for he had lost all fate in humanity. Just then, Camelot was raided and there was no way out. That is how all the corpses lying around me appeared.

Arthur was greatly injured and no doctor could save him. Every minute of his life was counted and there was no way he was going to survive this dreadful flaw. That’s when I realized that there was only one human in this world capable of saving my lord’s life. I started to glow, and of course Arthur noticed. “What is it, Excalibur?” he croaked. Poor guy, he was laying there, incapable of even moving, waiting for death to come and take him away. Since I was forged with magic, I could use my magical powers to transport him to the swamp. And that’s exactly what I did. To the amazement of the knights surrounding him, Arthur sprung up from his deathbed and started walking away from Camelot, away from the place where he had gained all his glory but at the same time had been betrayed. “Where are you taking me, my precious?” I sighted. I would give anything to be able to speak, to be able to answer those disturbing questions inside my lord’s brain.

It took as a while but we finally reached the swamp. And I saw her. Her emerald eyes glimmered as she noticed us.

“Welcome” her delicate but powerful voice exclaimed, ”I have been expecting you”

“My lady, I’m wounded, both physically and mentally. If you were to cure me, I would be forever grateful and loyal to you”

“I’m afraid Arthur that I can’t cure you. The time has come for you to take your place in the magical island of Avalon, just like you took your place as the rightful king of England. Come and join me,” she said. Arthur, enchanted by her voice followed her and so did I. We walked on the surface of the water and reached what the Lady of the Lake had called “The Island of Avalon”.

As soon as we got there, I knew that I would spend the rest of my life in there. Arthur was taken to a spacious room inside a wooden house. The lady undid his belt and I smashed into the ground. “Sorry”, she mumbled. She picked me up and I analyzed the scene. The legendary king was lying on a magnificent bed. He had drifted off to his everlasting sleep. I smiled. He looked just like the tiny little boy that drew from the enchanted rock. A lot of things had happened since that day, some were good and some were bad, but they had all had an impact on his life.

“You have accomplished more than any human, my faithful sword” a magical voice said. Just like that night so long ago, Merlin stood in front of me. “Your job was to ensure his safety throughout his entire life as king and you’ve done even more than that. You have brought him to Avalon, where he shall rest forever, protected by his faithful sword”. When the last word escaped his lips, I was placed right next to Arthur. Suddenly, I drifted off to an endless sleep.

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