20 hehe

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People ship billdip yasssss , thank you so much. Well I think of tom and bill as best friends so, dipper and Marco are friends too. And friends meet up, this is another fun chapter. I hope you enjoy, their is gonna be a lot of tomco in it though.


Tom P.O.V

As I called up bill, I hearded his high echoing laugh. "Yellow flamy", "yo bill, how's it going". "Going good, wanting pine tree to make the deal with me already, still doesn't trust me", I thought makes since everything you told me about the past stuff. "We'll why don't you force him too, like a trick or something". "Yeah Im doing that but he just doesn't give in , Its not like I can threaten his family if he doesn't" , "good po-", before I got to finish. "Oh what a great idea, I shouldve thought about that sooner". "Wow bill really, I mean that's gonna-". "Gotta go flamy, I'll talk to you later". The call ends, and I take a sigh as I think. I should try taking over the world again probably be pretty fun. I look over to the little kid outside talking over the phone. Awww and he could be my queen, then again I bet he wouldnt be a big fan of dresses. I laugh at my thought as I went over to stars room.

Marco P.O.V

As I was over the phone with dipper we talked about our deamon problem. "Bill will not stop trying to make deals with me , I don't know what his problem is, I think he's trying to get the journals or has another plan up his sleve". "Huh that's harsh, but I'm stuck in a kids body so, you won't believe what strange dream I had awhile back though". "Oh wow I get that I get nightmares a lot, what was your dream about?" , "it was...", as I remember the dream I blush uncontrollably. "Never mind about that but-". "Hey dipper-"
I hear a shout and then a bang, and some flames go off. "Well I'm guessing that's bill, I'll call you back" I end the call, "wow harsh". As I walk back up and stumbling on my feet. "Tom!!" I shout around my room". I hear my voice crack, what the heck I think as I start to feel as if I'm going through life again . "Hey Marco what is it", I say a little exasted. "Do you know if star figured out a way to reverse the spell?". "Yup she said she will have everything ready tomorrow, so this is your last day as a kid. "Thank god", "no you should thank me", I say with a smile. "Why?", "cause I got the spell", "yeah, sure", I say sarcasticly. I sit up on the bed, which took me forever I had to kept jumping before tom picked me up. "Yeah, so now when you get back to normal I can have some fun", I slightly blush, and say "yeah tom that isn't happening". "You know bill showed me some tricks". "Like what?", I say a little nervous. "You'll see~". "Bill he's the dream deamon-....tom". I stared at him intensely "the dream I had that wouldnt be-", "what dream are you talking about". My face had got red by embarrassment and by anger. "Tom you ass!!", "but you liked it". "I don't even know what to say to you", I said pissed. "You don't have to say anything , cause tomarrow is gonna be reality". I blushed so hard, I felt as if I was a heater. I blew up, and passed out thinking about it. "So warm", I hear tom say as he wraps his arms around me.

Tom P.O.V

That's so adorable, as I huged him tightly. I hear his cell go off, I chuckled as he answer, such a little kid voice.I raffled his hair around as he gave me the death stare.

Marco- "hey dipper-", "Marco , bill came and he threaten to kill Mabel and everyone, he had a knife at her throat, he turned crazy and started laughing." "Wow that's psycho, is she okay?!". I was so caught up in the call I forgot about tom. "Yeah she's alright, they got made at me because I made the deal. You would think he wanted the journals or revenge , but he said he wanted me, its probably some revenge plot". "Yeah maybe be careful", "yeah no way Im letting him do anything drastic, I got to go, but can you be sure to call Mabel sometimes or your friend I want to make sure that she's definitely not gonna get hurt". "Yeah I'll be sure to do that" "thanks I got to go, bye mar-". I hear the call end, I felt bad, as I stated aloud.
"What gave him the bright idea to threaten his family if he didn't do the deal". I felt toms arms go loss, and I looked up at him "you didn't".

Tom- I started laughing as he gave me the death stare. "Tenically it was his idea I just-", "stirred it up", "yes", I say as he gave me a cold look. "I'm sure he'll be fine, plus you have me to worry about after all I'm a deamon too". "Yeah but you didn't try taking over the world or anything". "Yeah", I think probably shouldn't say anything of me and bills past yet. I heard
Him yawn. "Your tired?", "yeah I guess this kid body needs more sleep, its annoying". I smile as I set him in bed. "Hey!". I wisper in his ear "you'll need rest for tomorrow trust me~". I see him blush bright read as he covered his face with the blankets. "Yeah right", I hear him say sarcastically. I smile as I kissed his forehead.

To be continue.....

I haven't updated in awhile, sorry about that here it is, tell me if you like these billdip kinda things with it too. Next chapter will have smut so be prepared fangirls, fanguys (if your out their)


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