Chapter Two

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Nicholas stood outside a small university. He stood, looking down at a victim, thankfully not his victim. He knelt down and checked her neck, puncture wounds but something about them... seemed odd, it wasn't normal, they didn't look normal. If it wasn't thanks to his police uniform, he'd look suspicious but being a vampire allowed him to blend in, allowed him to hide in the shadows or just blend in with the police if he had to.

He didn't want to be caught at the crime scene but he needed to know if it was one of his own kind. He didn't fancy fighting his own kind, not after Abigail. Sure it was a long time ago but still, ten years still left old wounds he didn't want to touch. He'd lost contact with Sarah, her mother's death and him barely reusing his old identity made it tough to keep in contact, he couldn't tell her that he was a vampire and he wanted to look after her daughter and it didn't seem like Abigail was going to come back, make her deadly appearance again.

He didn't want to see her again, not after last time. Messing with his head was one thing but messing with a child? That stepped across a very large, dangerous line. He wasn't as strong as her; first to admit it too; she was older than him with the power to manipulate anyone she turned. The older the vampire got the less of hold it took but it was still deadly, still dangerous and still very sickening. She was sickening, she was heartless and cruel and that made her extremely dangerous.

The worst part was, she didn't notice or care less. She just laughed it off like it was some sick joke or a misunderstanding. The pain was all too real and the hatred. That was real... not the hatred she had for him but the hatred he had for her, for what she made him. If he learnt anything in his years, it was that she was dangerous, very dangerous and cruel. She twisted his heart around, digging her hands into his wound as he twisted and contorted from the cruel pain she inflicted.

He walked away the body, hurrying away before he got changed, dumping the police uniform in the bin before he hurried off and back into his tiny one bedroomed flat. He didn't mind it, it was small but comfy and of course he rented out his old office space, no one remembered him, not from back then.

To look a little different, he dyed his hair, sometimes even put contact lenses in and natural foundation on to appear darker. He was naturally pale, as white as milk. He used to have a lovely light coffee-coloured skin tone but of course, when he became a vampire that changed. He missed it, the colour of his skin and the darkness of his eyes... grey now, forest green then. The strange thing was what he missed and what he could never have. Abigail was scarily right, he did want a child of his own but adopting was impossible, turning was wrong and he couldn't have a biological child just like female vampires could not conceive nor carry a child of their own, sadly.

He looked up the case online; it wasn't difficult, following the newspapers, the live updates. The internet opened up a lot, made things a hell of a lot easier. He could search anything he needed to search, look up anything he wanted and eventually learn how to get by in a world he knew very little about. He'd lived through the years, barely surviving and yet still clinging on for dear life, fighting to stay alive. He loved being human, clinging onto as much humanity as possible even though the pain and guilt from the murders picked at his mind, played with his emotions and made him feel sick as hell every time the anniversary of his turning came up.

He sighed and leaned back in his seat as Aiden, a friend of his invited himself in. He threw a picture of the crime scene on his metal table and said "there's more where those came from but I doubt you'll want to see any more of them"

"This is a picture of a crime scene, how did you... where did you get this?"

"That's not important. Is this you?"

Nicholas Hunter (Based on the TV Series Moonlight)Where stories live. Discover now