Chapter 12

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"~ Oppaaaaa~~~"~ call Doyeon.

"~ what are you doing here?~" ask myungsoo.

"~ oppa, I didn't know that bitch have highest taste~" said doyeon try to make L anger.

"~ what do you mean doyeon?~"

"~ well that guy you fight just now is the most richest in Japan. That's why she kneels at him. And poor you oppa, you have nothing that's why she left you~"smirks doyeon with lies.

Myungsoo became boiling.

"~ Park Jiyeon such as gold-digger~" said her and left myungsoo with full hated with jiyeon.

TOP bring jiyeon back to Park Mansion in Gangnam Resident. He put jiyeon at her bed with slowly for not waking up her from sleep. He wiped jiyeon tears and sigh.

"~ you'll be fine, Princess. You not deserve this all~"TOP whisper to himself the whole time. He make a call to MBC department to give warning make sure not spread all happen at waiting room or else MBC will have trouble.

He make call to her brothers.

"~ hello, hyung it's me TOP.~"

"~ ermm what's wrong TOP~" ask Daniel on the phone.

"~ hyung what are you doing now. Did you have meeting right now~"

"~ yeah, within 10 minutes I have meeting. What's the important thing you want to spoke~" said Daniel.

"~ hyung it's about Princess. Open the Korea idol news and you will know later. It's hurt see her like that hyung~" cry TOP.

"~ yahh what happen to her. Are you in Korea now? Why are you crying?~" weird Daniel.

"~ Just see the news and come here hyung. You will know later. I hang up. I want to call Nickhun~" told TOP and hang up the phone and try to call Nickhun.

In America, after Daniel received call from TOP he tries opening his Ipad and shocked with the news.

"~ ige bwoyah. Miss Choi please cancels all my meeting and please prepares my personal airplane. I want fly to Korea right now and I will stay at there for long time~" yelled Daniel at his secretary

Within few hours Daniel and Nickhun arrived at Korea and rushing to Park Mansion. TOP tell the whole story at his brothers with tears fall at his cheeks.

Three of them stand in front jiyeon. She stills her sleep with crying.

Jiyeon frowned and whimpered in her dream, "Myungieee..~"

"~ who's that myungie?~" ask Nickhun.

"~ I don't know. Maybe her boyfriends~" told TOP.

"~ What!! She has boyfriends~" Daniel shock.

Suddenly jiyeon wake up from her sleep. But she feels shocked three of her brother in front of her. She stands up with her lifeless body and kneels down at them for asking apologies.

"~ Princess what are you doing?~" ask Nickhun.

"~ oppa, I'm truly sorry what happened. But please don't take action at them. It's not their fault.~" cry jiyeon.

Three of them just silent and ignore her.

Jioyeon kneel almost 4hours until she faint but her brother still want punish all of them.

TOP start meets infinite CEO, Daniel meets with T-ara and CCM and khun take care jiyeon who already sick.

After meeting with Infinite management, CEO woolim call all the infinite and manager for discuss.

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