Name: Elton Miller. Yes, I know my name reminds a lot of people of Elton John -.- I knoooowww. Shush.
Age: 18
Birthday: August 3rdLikes: Food, music, long walks, winter, snow, hot coco, food, blankets, cuddling, foooood, ferrets
Dislikes: ...Not very much. Just don't piss me offSingle. Gay. Sub.
Michael Bublé is bae!! His voice is....ohmyfuckinggawwwwd *^* -awkward cough-
I have a pet ferret named Winston
Personality? Chill, laid back, shy at times....ehh. Pm to find out more. Getting really lazyyy...
Pfffft... That's for whoever comes along and steals my heart to know.