Chapter 1: The Begining

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How do you kill these monsters? Well it's simple their heads are their weakness. This was extremely difficult if you try to combat them by hand since they were extremely quick and screamed louder that a banshee which pretty much ruined any chance of you getting near them. But not all of them scream, only the ones that are hungry. Those you have to shoot them from a distance unless you wanted to go deft and most likely die *laughs*.

And that's where our story begins....

It was a summer day the heat was making everyone grumpy and desperate to find shade or air conditioning. When all of the sudden you hear a loud Boom! At first I
thought the Chinese had finally decided to get their revenge and bomb us with an atomic bomb, but this was different, there was no big flash it was a large mist of light green air. After the explosion everyone around me began to screams in chaos, (it seemed like the government wanted to kill us faster; I guess cancer wasnt doing it fast enough) or even better kill our selves. Most of the people that were in the 5,000 feet radius of the bomb where "infected" immediately and started running towards other civilians screaming louder than banshees immediately making them deft. I was lucky enough to be inside a bathroom stall where they couldn't see me. I slowly opened the bathroom stalls door and blood everywhere.

I saw the chaos outside and quickly took cover behind a car, I wasn't scared or anything I was just shocked. I saw a woman being stripped away from her child and the kid being eaten alive as her mother cried for help. I just stood there like an idiot not know what to do so I ran away as fastest that I could left my car parked on the other side of the building and just ran. Not because I was scared but because on of those bastard monsters was chasing me. And as alway when I panic I become the clumsiest fucker ever and I tripped over a dead body. I fell to the ground and sprained my ankle. And as I saw the light flash between my eyes I hear a bullet...a loud as fucken bullet that left my ear drum ringing for the the next 2 weeks. The person who saved me was my father he knew exactly were I was because he was the body I stumbled on. I had totally forgotten that he was with me. His arm was missing and his leg was half gone blood gushing everywhere his last words where "Get the fuck out of here son". I took his gun and ran home still in shock after seeing my father die in my arms and myself not being able to do anything. I drank....a lot.

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