Chapter 2: Alone

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After the devastating and tragic death of my father I turned into drinking and kill them flesh eaters. I didn't know what to do with my self or what to so next. I eventually ran out of ammo and alcohol do I decided to it was time to move on, the human population was decreasing rapidly and I had no one to be with. I thought for many days that suicide was the answer since the only person whom I had was my father and now him being dead I had no one. But, there was just one thing I couldn't get off my mind...I didn't give him a proper burial.

I knew it was risky for me to go back and face even more of these monsters and with out ammo I was surely dead. But I had this feeling that I couldn't get out of my chest. He would of done the same for me and he wasn't an animal to be left on the ground to rot.

I made up my mind I just had to go back, it would of been inhuman for me not to do so. I found a spade and a bat in our back yard. Memories sparked in my head when I saw the bat of my father and I playing baseball. It made me more eager to go along with my plan and so I did. After a couple hours of walking back to the city trying to remember where he was I found the woman that had her child stripped away, she was holding what was left of his kid and I cried.

In search of my fathers body I encountered a herd of monsters whom are eating off a police man I threw a rock at them to get their attention and lure then towards the subway entrance. But I failed and instead of luring them to the subway entrance I lured them to the woods, where I was living. I had no choice but to fight them hand on hand but the risk of them screeching and breaking my eardrum was to high.

Then all of the sudden 3 of those monsters appeared right behind me and tried to grab me I quickly smashed on of their heads and began to run. But the more I ran the more they appeared. I web to the nearest tree to climb it and fight them off one by one before the popped my eardrum. My heart was beating faster then a thousand miles and was scared of dying but in my head I remember the wise words of my father (whom I was still looking for) "get out of here son". It sort of calmed me so I got off the tree and began to run once again.

I ran for about 5 minutes with out looking back and when I stopped to take a breath they were gone. I had no idea how or what caused them to stop chasing me. And I tried hard to remember what I did and then it hit me....they can smell fear. I wasn't sure if my theory was correct or not but it seemed to work. I figured I would go back and try it. On my way back to the city I stumbled across a dark skinned man whom was running for his life being chased by the monsters. But they didn't got after me.... My theory has be proven correct.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2013 ⏰

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